Hoodie Route 2

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It's been a couple days living here now. Sally and I get along really well and I play with her a lot, considering I don't have anything else to do. BEN all the time tries to get me to play videogames with him, but I never played them before. I'd rather not learn anything as mindless as that. Jane is becoming a really good friend. She seems to protect me from the boys now that I told her that I had sworn them off after my previous life. She said she had sworn off guys too, but I'm pretty sure she has a teensy crush on Jeff. Thank god I'm not caught in that love triangle. She hates him, he hates her, she falls harder for him. Seems dumb, right?

I'm currently sitting on the sofa by myself, watching BEN yell at the tv. Jeff is sitting alone on the chair and Masky is sitting next to Jane on the couch beside me. Today is one of the days nobody is busy, and we all are relaxing. Hoodie comes into the room with Sally and looks seems to look around for something. Sally runs up to me and sits down so close, that she is almost on top of me. She complains about how tired she is and what she has done all day. I wonder if Slender took her in like he took the others in, or if it was by chance he didn't kill her like me. I let her lean on me and gently stroke her hair, lost in thought. Hoodie looks like he wants to sit down and relax too, but the only free seat is next to me and Sally. I doubt he would choose to sit here, and I was right. He leaves the room after giving Masky a look. Masky then sighs and gets up and walks after Hoodie.

If he would just tell me to not converse with him or anything like that, he wouldn't have to worry about me. I'm starting not to like him either, back story or not.

I sigh and put my head on top of Sally's and start to fall to sleep. I hear the others leave soon after BEN throws his controller to the ground and stomping out of the room. Jane tells me that I should go up into the room, but I just nod my head. Sally is sleeping peacefully on me, the sounds of her heartbeat and breathing is a gentle lullaby to me. We sleep on the couch together for what seems to be all night, but I wake up by a small noise coming from a door opening. I look around, but nothing is moving, so I go back to sleep. The clock in the kitchen says it is 3:00 am, so I don't want to wake up right now.

A few minutes later I fall back into a deep sleep, only to be woken up again by a small sound behind me, from the stairs. I can't turn around to look because Sally is blocking my range of motion. I conclude that it is somebody that came down to use the bathroom here for some reason and try to close my eyes. I feel Sally move slightly, then feel her being picked up.

My eyes are slits as they open up to meet someone trying to take Sally away from me. I tighten my grip on Sally and pull her back to me, causing the person that was trying to take her falter in their grip. I hear a grunt and then feel a pull, harder than the last time and almost gets Sally free. I wonder why she is still sleeping through all of this?

I can't see the person because it is dark, and although it could be someone that just want to take her to the room, I wont allow that. Not that I wouldn't mind sleeping in the room, but you never know if it is somebody trying to kidnap her.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a harsh tone to the person in front of me. I get no response, so I ask again.

"Who are you?" I say a little bit sweeter than the last time.

"None of your business, let go." The male says.

I don't recognize the voice, so my body stiffens. I can't let this person take her, I don't know who he is!

My grip tightens, but not tight enough to hurt her. She starts to wake up and look around at what's happening. I tell her to go back to sleep and she nods.

"I want to stay with Y/N, Hoodie." Sally says to the figure.

Hoodie? Is that why I didn't recognize the voice? Why is he here? I thought he hated me. As these thoughts run through my mind, a flash of light comes through the window and illuminates my face, then his figure. He is still half-holding Sally and looking straight at me. Well... I think he is, he's wearing a mask and hood on his face. After the light goes away, we stay silent after Sally's breathing became slow and he hands her back over to me.

It's weird. He isn't leaving. It's too dark to see him, but I can definitely feel his presence. Is he still looking at me and Sally in the dark? Is he jealous?

"Don't move." He says to me. I stay as perfectly still as I can and wait for other commands. I feel him move away from us and toward the window where the light came from. I try to look over there to see if I can see anything, but I can't.

"Go upstairs." Hoodie tells me. Wow, he talks to me only to give me orders. Too bad for him that I only take orders from Slender.

"Why? We were here first, you go upstairs." I say blatantly. He already hates me, so I've got nothing to lose.

"Something's not right." He turns around and walks up to me. "Do something good for once and go upstairs."

He did not just tell me that. Oh heeeellll no.

"No." I tell him as I sink back into the couch.

"You know. I wouldn't mind if you stayed down here, but you are with Sally, so I don't want your ignorance to get her in danger." He tells me while walking right in front of me. He stops enough that only Sally is between us and sternly tells me to get up. I do as he says reluctantly and he shoves me toward the stairs.

I walk up and go to her room to lay her down and tuck her in. As I leave, I see Hoodie at the start of the stairs, looking at me. I return his look and walk to him, heading to my room with Jane. He blocks my way into the room with his arm and stares at me. He definitely has staring issues.

"Don't think that since I talked to you tonight means anything. I am just concerned for Sally's safety." He tells me. I didn't think anything about tonight, so why is he worrying?

"Same for you. Don't think that you can just talk to me for a moment in harsh ways and think that it can solve anything." I tell him. He tilts his head a bit to the side. I might have been harsh to him too. UGH it's three in the morning, don't make me talk any more!

He turns around and left for his room with Masky. I stand there for a bit and watch him retreat and then go into the room with Jane.

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