Hoodie Route 7

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I run as fast as I can to the diner that Masky told me about. I recognized the name, as I used to eat there all the time as a kid. It took me a while, but I finally made it. I run into the diner and look around, but he isn't here. A lady who works here comes up to greet me and asks if I want a seat. I tell her no and that I was looking for someone and she nods and walks away to serve the other customers. I feel dejected, completely broken. If he wasn't here, then where is he?

I walk out of the restaurant and look around outside. I can't find him anywhere, and I feel my lungs start to burn from all the running I did previously catching up to me. All I could do is fall on my knees and stare at the ground. If I couldn't find him, what would I do? What if I did find him, how am I going to persuade him to come back, when Slender is going to make him leave? Why do I care so much is another question?

I wrack my brain for answers, but all I get is more questions. Do I like him because he is the only person I feel that I have an honest connection with? Our pasts are similar, and we don't give each other any unnecessary sympathy. Yes. I like him, and if I can be honest with myself, I can be honest with him.

I gather up my strength and stand up, despite my muscles yelling at me. I walk behind the building to see if he had already left and see him sitting down on the pavement next to the dumpster with his mask on the top of his head, hands in his face. I turn the corner to run to him, but I stop in my tracks, hiding back on my side of the building so he can't see me. What if he won't return my feelings? I won't say anything, just to see what he will say, but Masky did tell me that he told him that he liked me, so ... ugh..

I stare at the clouds for a moment longer and then turn the corner to go to Hoodie, but he is gone. In his place is his Mask lying on the ground. I rush to it and lean down to pick it up. Standing straight up to observe it more clearly, it seems that he had abandoned it in order to blend in more with the human world. With this in thought, I break down again, falling on my knees. If I hadn't hesitated to go to him, I would have gotten to him in time. Why on earth did I stop!?

With my head down and his mask in my arms, I let a tear fall down my face. I would have let more tears fall, but a hand comes in front of me and pulls the mask out of my hands. I turn around to see who could have stolen it from me, and see a familiar figure putting the mask on. I start to stand up, but he puts a finger out, telling me to stay where I am. He fixes the mask back on his face and sits down next to me on the wall next to the dumpster, the place where he was sitting earlier.

"You scared me, I heard someone coming around the corner, so I ran off," He explained to me, "I guess the mask fell off of my head. Oops. Slender is right, I'm too careless."

"No. Slender isn't thinking right. His head is only thinking about me, he's not thinking enough about you. We can go back and explain things to him, but I can't do it alone." I tell him, trying to convince him.

"Can't. What Slender says is final. It doesn't matter what his intentions are. Besides, you don't need me, you have BEN." He tells me.

"BEN? Why are you mentioning him?" I ask.

"Come on. He flirts, you act like you don't like it, but it's obvious that it's all just a game." He says while looking away from me.

"Hoodie.. I don't like BEN if that is what you are thinking. He is a good friend, but that's all it is." I say. "And to be honest, he is quite annoying."

"Oh." He says quietly. I'm not sure if he believes me or not, but I hope he does. We sit next to each other for a while and stare at the ground. He looks up a little to peer at me, seemingly wanting to say something, but can't find the words. "Do you actually believe that Slender would let me back in?"

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