Masky Route 6

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After talking with Jane for a while, I head downstairs to the living room. Hopefully I could bump into Masky on the way and make sure Slender doesn't find out about last night. Oh, who am I kidding? Slender reads minds for God's sake!

"Sup Girl. Heard you 'n Hoodz had a night." BEN states teasingly from the living room floor. I stop near him and just stare. How did he know about me and Hoodie being kidnaped? Surely Hoodie didn't say anything, right? "Worried about something, beautiful? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He says, turning back to his game. I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. If Slender found out about this, he would definitely scold us majorly.

Sounds of gruff laughter comes from behind me as Jeff makes his appearance. "How did last night go?" he says, eyes locked on mine. "Did you get any sleep with Masky?" Is he saying an innuendo? Or does he really think that we walked the whole way and didn't get to sleep? TELL ME, JEFF.

"Umm.. What?" I say back to him, shocked that he would bring this up so easily. Also, how did him and Masky know to come get us?

"So, tell me, who was watching who?" Jeff continues with a smirk, "Were you watching the criminals, or where they the ones watching you?"

"You're a criminal, Jeff." I spit back at him, sarcastically. "And what did you mean about sleep?"

He just shrugs at me and gives me the best smirk that he could with his cut-up smile mouth. He isn't as bad as I made him up to be and I think we could actually be friends if we tried. He walks up to me and points at my shirt. "Hey, where'd you get that stain?" He asks. I fear that it is something I got from last night and look down at my shirt. If Slender see's something suspicious then he'd know something had went on!

Nothing was on my shirt except for my pride. Jeff had abruptly moved his finger up to hit my nose and laughs at my gullibility. I cross my arms and before I know it, Masky comes to my rescue by hitting Jeff's shoulder. "No touching the merch, Jeff."

"Yeah, yeah. Pre-ordering, I get it." Jeff says while rolling his eyes. He turns around and leaves to the kitchen and I meet Masky's gaze. I don't understand what they mean by pre-order but it must be an inside joke that I won't get. He throws his arm around my shoulder and leans against me.

"Y/N, please come to my office, now." I hear a voice say in my head. AUGHHHHHH! I should have known that he would have found out eventually. Almost half the house was there. 

"BEN! I thought you said you wouldn't tell ANYONE!!?" I yell at the blonde boy giddily pressing the buttons, enjoying my pain. He must have been the one to say something because nobody else would have. Right? 

"I didn't say a word. You're partner in crime did though. Boy, don't you wish you had stayed with me last night, huh?" BEN says with a smirk plastered on his face, his eyes not leaving the screen. I roll my eyes , doing a heel turn and walking away from the laughing elf. "I didn't say a word though?" Masky is heard behind me. He runs up and catches my arm as we walk.

"I said partner in crime, not the enemy." BEN yells to us. Masky only scoffs at his statement and ignores the rest of BEN's yelling at the television. There are so many secrets going on here that I will never know, it seems. Enemy?

I cautiously open the door and see Hoodie standing in front of Slender's desk. The room is big, but small at the same time, as all the furniture in the room is a little bigger than the normal person's belongings. Perhaps Slender knows a lot of people to tend to his height? I close the door behind me and walk up to Hoodie's side. He turns his head slightly to look who is next to him, then turns his head back to face Slender. Masky stands next to me with his arm still connected to mine.

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