Ch.11 - Revenge

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Maddie slept like a rock. Just knowing who was behind trying to destroy her team felt like power. It's one thing to face a team you didn't know. But knowing your enemy gave you all the tools you needed for revenge. And Maddie knew Jessie well.

She wanted to be pissed at all the bobble headed ducklings, but where would that get her. She had raised them to follow the strongest leader. And Jessie had brought cookie crumbs. Those bird sized brains couldn't compete with the promise of freedom and food.

Maddie had always been intense to a fault. She didn't choose to be a leader. But years of raising herself and fighting to be more than what her parents name and bank account stood for had made her tough. She was hard on the Glitz Gurlz and harder on herself. Today that would be her edge.

She got out of bed and stretched. Grabbed a water from the mini fridge and guzzled it. She needed a quiet stomach for thinking. After twenty minutes of yoga she woke Claudia.

"Get up sloth. It's showtime. You gotta make lunch.  Your table talk will be how your gonna kill me today."

Claudia rolled over wiping her eyes. Her hair stood up like she put her finger in a light socket.  Maddie gave her a shove.

"Ugh. I'm not going to kill you Maddie. We have already been over this."

Maddie ripped the blanket off her friend and was met with a kick and a moan.

"That is where your wrong my friend. You will kill me today. And I will rise from the dead as only a true leader can. Get up. Your hair looks like Einstein. Not a good look for you."

Maddie searched through her bags until she found her old black Louis Vatton mini dress. It was her least favorite and a perfect gown to meet her death in.

When Claudia left to meet the girls for lunch she got to work planning her very own murder. She had instructed Claudia to get a few items from the kitchen and a few trinkets from the shop. Now she would finally put those years of grooming classes to good use. Make up was the key.

Thank God Claudia was in her Egyptian phase. Her liquid blue liner was perfect for making spider like veins. Covered up by stark white cover up and some dark smoke eye Mac under her eyes she looked like a corpse.

Claudia popped back in to drop off her things and head out with the girls to the pool. She screamed when she saw Maddie's face and Maddie considered it a win. It was all she could do to calm Claudia back down and get her back on track.

She texted A.J. And asked him to meet her in the cabin and bring her a cup of hot water and a tea bag. Specially telling him not to tell Claudia which he was sure he would. Claudia was definitely the weak link. She needed reinforcement.

A knock on the door just a few minutes later showed Maddie just how desperate lacrosse boys were. A.J. would be perfect. He was absolutely not an over thinker but obviously knew how to memorize plays and follow rules. That was all he needed to do. That, and look cute, which he already mastered.

"Hello A.J.  Come in. Sit down. Relax. How is your day going?"

A.J.  Stumbled backwards to avoid her hand and she remembered her make up. She dragged him to the bed and pushed him to a sitting position as his eyes darted repeatedly to the door. She wished there were more time to drag this out. She would have enjoyed making him think she had the zombie virus and from the looks of it he would have believed her. Darn Jessie and her stupid dead by dinner deadline!!!

"No offense Maddie but you sort of look like death. Maybe you should skip the hot tea and see the doc. Or do you usually look like this before you put your make up on?  In which case, you are a master at make up."

Maddie shook her head and dunked her tea bag while counting to 5. She liked the water to taste like it had been teased by tea. No tint to the water.

"Listen goat herder. Man up. I need you to put your game face on. Stay cute but pay attention. I am a make up master. This is make up you imbecile.  Pretend your good for more than trying to be a vag magnet for a minute. This is life or death."

A.J. Grinned at her. Like all boys -say the word vag and all else is forgotten. He scrunched his eyebrows to prove he was paying attention.   Maddie couldn't help but notice how cute he was trying to be serious. She put her focus on the vision of fat girls in booty shorts and Claudia. Her death would really cramp the rest of the year.

"I'm under attack. There's a killer on the loose who has killed half of the girls on the team--in fact, all of those that wanted me to stay leader. Now Claudia has to kill me by dinner or she's next. So I have to pretend to die by dinner tonight and catch the bitch Jessie before she takes the squad and makes them fat booty short wearing democratic ducklings. And I need your help to pull off my revenge."

A.J. Looked at her without saying a word. Maddie could see his tiny rusted gears spinning in his head. She said a prayer to St. Mother of Dallas Cheerleaders that he took all that in. She wasn't sure she could repeat it if she tried. Finally he scratched his head and smiled.

"Ok, I'm in. But could you do me a favor in return?"

Maddie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anything. What do you want?"

"Could you call me vag magnet in front of the guys?"

Maddie gently sat her tea cup back on the saucer and looked at the spoon. She wondered how many ways there was to kill a person with a spoon.

It seems like Maddie has a plan in the works. Giving the girls free time and food seemed like desperate measures. Can the girls restrict enough to get in their uniforms?
Will there even be a show?
Find out- flip to the next chapter. But make sure to hit the star first!

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