Chapter 14: The Final Dump

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Maddie and Claudia sat together on the bed wrapped in a blanket. Claudia had stopped her wheezing and Maddie had finally gotten the make up off her face.  A.J. And the other girls finally showed up (way too late to save the day) and together they were wrapping Captain Crazypants in plastic from an economy sized Saran Wrap they stole from the kitchen.

Jessie sat in the bathroom on the closed toilet seat. Everyone was scurrying around like ants tying to figure out where things went haywire and why Jessie didn't just explain that Chad was her crazy stepbrother. Maddie felt like it was time for a pep talk.

"Gather round bimbos. I'm calling a Glitz Gurlz meeting of the mind. And by that, I mean mine so shut your pie holes and plant your bottoms."

She waited for them to arrange themselves on the floor at her feet. (Such a tumbler moment)!Back on top as only she could be and without make up! She was the Queen. If attempted murder couldn't slow her down, she was unstoppable as a leader.  This was so going on her resume!

"Ok, it's been a trying week for us all. You girls had to endure smelling great food, the death of some key team members, and the crushing of your booty short dreams. I had to survive a serial killer,...and the nightmare of envisioning you all in booty shorts. Both of these things will cause me thousands of hours of therapy which will piss of my parents. But I will make sure the therapist is hot so it will still be a win for me."

The girls nodded in their bobble headed way and Maddie noticed A.J. Staring at Captain Plastic rolled up on the floor. She snapped her fingers and immediately his eyes snapped to the front. They were aimed just below her chin line but she still found it cute that he could stare at her breasts while sitting next to a dead man.

"We're going to dump Captain Psycho just like we've practiced. No screw ups. Then Jessie is going to hack his Twitter and tell anyone who pays attention to crazy guys in tight shorts that he's going off the grid in Mexico to become a beach hobo. We then drop his phone in with the fish and work on tomorrow's show. Any questions?"

Claudia raised her hand. Her brows crunched together as if waiting for Maddie to yell. And she wanted to, but Claudia did just almost die and moved less sloth like when Maddie was being almost murdered so one question should even the score.

"Yes Claudia"

"Umm, it's about the show. There are only like six of us left. How are we going to do a show with six cheerleaders. I mean, of course you'll figure it out, but I'm just wondering."

Maddie patted her on the head. And in doing so purposefully put her breasts in A.J.'s face. He didn't move an inch.

"We have six girls Claudia, that's true. But we are Glitz Gurlz. Nothing is impossible. If you must know, there will be more than enough cheerleaders to choose from. Tomorrow we train the lacrosse boys to run the show with us. It will be a hard day of work, we all know boys aren't made for cheerleading. Their torsos are straight and their brains are small. But, they are good at lifting and even monkeys can learn with repetition. We will work all day until showtime."

The girls exploded in a frenzy of questions and catcalls. Even Jessie came out the bathroom with a pink glow on her face. A.J. was still red from his breast cuddle but his mouth was beginning to frown. Maddie pulled him away from the bouncing excited girls and into the bathroom.

"We aren't doing that Maddie. Boys aren't cheerleaders. We are a serious lacrosse team. There's no way we're going to----"

Maddie placed her lips firmly on his and probed his tongue with her own. If there's one language she excelled at it was guy. Guys wanted to be good and do the right thing. They just had trouble knowing what it was. Maddie was an expert at pointing it out. When she stopped kissing him she put her hand on his cheek and gave him her best sad face.

"Just talk to your guys A.J. it's one day. One day to spend touching girls all day long. Making them happy, keeping their hopes alive. Lifting them in the air in short skirts while they stand below. I know it's a lot to ask. And I wouldn't ask if I weren't desperate. But you know me, these girls deserve this. And your guys could use some practice in how to handle girls. I've seen Kenny, he's got the arm strength of a narwhal! He could use some practice seeing how to interact with girls."

She could see A.J.'s mind spinning. It was crucial. She needed them. The show must go on. She cupped his left butt cheek with her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I will so owe you."

A.J smiled and nodded. "I'll talk to the team."

She turned around and purposely added an extra cheerleader sway to her hips. As she left the room she got into Captain mode.

"First, we gotta dump a body. Grab a pair of gloves and let's get this done."

She walked out leaving him with his mouth hanging open. She almost wondered if he hadn't expected to help? What kind of team spirit did lacrosse players have? Surely they didn't dump bodies solo over there.

The girls lined up in their standard two by two formation. Maddie lined up at the head with A.J. No matter how dumb or crazy the person was, she realized the head was the heaviest part.

Jessie and Claudia walked in front keeping lookout. Maddie didn't think it necessary for Jessie to have to carry her psychopath brother, and she didn't want Claudia exerting herself. It would be important to get sleep tonight and if Claud starting wheezing again, she would have to add another body to the pile.

As they hoisted Captain Sharkbait over the railing Jessie let out a rather large sniffle and Maddie turned around just in time to see a tear running down her cheek.

"It's a sad day for Jessie. I get that. She lost her half brother. And her dream of being Captain. And, because her psycho brother will no longer be causing pain and suffering to her parents, she will be scrutinized even further for being an idiot with low level abilities. Girls, let's show her some love and remind her that even the lowest member is still important. Glitz Gurlz take care of their own."

The girls cascaded around Jessie and an impromptu Cool Mist mosh pit was started. Soon Jessie couldn't help but feel the love and acceptance of her shallow, self serving, Instagram selfie sisterhood. They waked back to their darkened hallway arms linked and breasts swaying in synch.

Maddie smiled and kissed A.J. Goodnight under the stars. As the waves slowly rocked and the cool night air danced across her skin she couldn't help feeling like everything was finally clicking into place.

As she lay in bed devouring her copy of "The Summer Associate" by LizCharnes she found peace in the fact that she was a cheerleader and not a lawyer. Some Glitz just wasn't worth it. But hers, was the perfect amount of shine.

So Captain Hotpants is out of the picture and Maddie again has figured out how to outwit dimwits.

One final scene is left.

Will the big show go off without a hitch? Not in this book!

What could go wrong?

Maybe the boys can't handle the pressure

Maybe a revolt will happen and the girls will show up in booty shorts?

The Summer Associate is a real Wattpad book by LizCharnes. It's a fast paced mystery thriller with legal words I mostly skipped but the plot and characters had me hooked.

Do the team a favor and push that star. Next years budget will be lower and Jessie needs new shoes!!

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