Ch. 12: Vengence Runway Style

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Maddie gave A.J. a kiss on the cheek as she sent him from the room. He had his orders and she had things to get ready. In less than an hour she would be dead. (Well, mostly dead). Except for the non breathing and lack of a heartbeat. These things would have to just be done privately.

She used her tweezers to poke tiny holes into the garbage bag and practiced putting her head in it and breathing. She put a small black dot on the front where the holes were and grabbed a role of duct tape from her bag. Little do boys know how girls keep their boobs down wearing spaghetti straps. Ha! Fashion saves the day again!

She drank the rest of her tea and texted the word "wicked" to Claudia. Soon it would be showtime. She gave up on the dress she didn't like and put on her best Michael Kors crop top and some black leggings with extra Lycra. There was no way she was dying ugly or in clothes that weren't fashionable and comfortable.

Claudia came in smiling, her skin glowing from the sun on deck.  She took one look at Maddie and burst into tears. Launching herself onto the bed.

"Pull it together Claudia. You can cry later, at my fake funeral."

Claudia sniffled and wiped her face with tissue. Her nose now brighter than her sun pink cheeks. She pulled a steak knife out of her bag and held it up to the light.

"Jesus Claudia. Don't carry knives around. You know your clumsier than Lindsey Lohan after a party. Your not stabbing me!  Your smothering me. Did you tell the girls you were coming to kill me?"

Claudia put the knife on the dresser. And wiped her sweaty hands on the bottom of her shirt.

"I did. They were quiet. After you gave them a free day and let them eat they weren't sure they wanted you dead at all. Turns out everyone is freaked out about how over the top Jesse has been. Now they are afraid to walk anywhere alone."

Maddie smiled and clapped her hands.

"Perfect!"  "Phase one complete. On to phase two. It's time for the kill Claudia. I've already poked the holes in the bag. to be called first. That way if Jesse decides to show up early before the plan to dump me he can use his muscle to turn the plan around.   Then call the others and plan on dumping my body tonight. You've gotta be on point Claudia. Seriously. I want you to take a sudafed. There's one in my bag."

Claudia shook her head no. "I'm allergic"

Maddie patted her on the head. Listening for the thump of empty space.

"I know your allergic stupid. That's why your going to take one. You need to look horrible. You need to look like you killed your bae and like your freaked out. Your acting skills suck and I can't leave it to chance."

Claudia swallowed the tiny red tablet. In minutes her lips and eyes would be swollen to Kardashian challenge proportion. She helped Maddie trash the room to create an atmosphere of struggle and taped the bag around Maddie's pencil neck. After a tearful hug she helped position Maddie so that her grotesque make up covered dead face could be seen. As she started to get up Maddie clawed her on the cheek.

"Oww!  What was that for?"

"These girls are stupid Claudia. But to think I wouldn't at least go down fighting is unbelievable. Don't worry, as hideous as your face will be for the next few hours it will only help the situation. I swear if I were you I would take sudafed every year and win every Halloween costume in town."

Maddie slumped back to a dead position and Claudia send her first text to A.J. No one told her what to text so she sent the words : The Queen is dead. Come to the ball.  No one told her to use a code, but she was sure it was smart.

After three agonizing minutes she sent out the Glitz Gurlz text alert from Maddie's phone.
Omg. I did it. GG's report for duty. Don't tell anyone I killed Maddie. Bring chocolate.

Soon she heard footsteps and a knock at the door. She could feel her eyes itching and swelling and her lips tingled like she had rubbed them in icy hot. She put her hands in front of her and made her way to the out of focus door. As she turned the handle she saw Jesse staring back at her. She started to slam the door back but Jesse's large foot blocked her from doing so.

"Hello Claudia. You look dreadful. Let me in. I have a few things I want to do before the girls show up. I made my first order as new Captain waiting 15 minutes after your joyous text to show up."

Claudia backed into the room. Jesse lunged forward and scanned the mess. "Looks like Maddie put up a struggle. Where is she?"

Claudia pointed to the closet. Jesse walked in and glanced at Maddie giving her a kick in the side.

"Fitting, she looks awful. Gotta say Claudia, I didn't think you had it in you. Your more of a cheerleader at heart than I expected. Thing is, I know I promised you Co-Captain status. But,.....  I can't have any loose ends around. You and Maddie were best friends. Someday your going to wish you hadn't killed her and start thinking about killing me. Just look how upset you are. Your face looks like a case study in that plastic surgery gone wrong show, 'Botched'. I think it's touching really."

She took more steps toward Claudia whose heart felt like a rabbit in the middle of a busy highway with a leg missing. Her eyes refused to stop watering and everything swam in her vision. She saw a shadow move across the light and felt a cord wrap itself around her neck.

"Pity, we really could have had some fun times. Goodnight Claudia. Tell Maddie I'll make sure to hang a picture of her in the legacy case. One where she looks fat of course, but still."

Claudia tried to speak but between her swollen tongue and her inability to get air no sounds came out.

Jessie sure seems like a fun leader to me.

Except for her tendencies to turn psycho I think she'd be a great leader.

Feel free to comment and hit that star. I'm thinking Claudia could use some support at the moment.

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