Chapter Two- Millionaires

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We hopped of the plane and grabbed our luggage. The view, just from the airport, was amazing. We caught a cab, taking us to our new house. After a five minute drive, we finally reached our house. It was stunning! It was beautiful and white. We dropped our bags and ran in. There were three presents and a note on the counter. Sara grabbed it and read it aloud.

The note read:

Dear Lauren, Sara, and Olivia,

We have thought about doing this ever since you guys started university. We feel like you all deserve this and we have been saving our money up for this. Congratulations, you've all earned it. 


            Mr. and Mrs. Gaskarth, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, and Mr. and Mrs. Kane.

P.S. Alex and Sid left you guys a list of hot clubs and 'crazy good restaurants'. Have fun!

"This place looks like a millionaire owns it. Why the hell are we living here? Not that I'm complaining, but..." Sara said, plopping down on the white, leather couch.

"I know. We are going to have so many parties here. God, I hope the beds are comfy." Lauren said, spinning around and admiring the house.

"No, no, no. I have some rules to lay down. 1) No eating anywhere except for the kitchen 2) Parties only on Fridays and weekends 3) Get laid as much as possible because we only have four months here!" I said, smiling as I reached the final rule. I was always the girl in school who'd rather sit at home and read, than partying on a daily basis. 

"Okay. Deal, BUT you have to live a little and not be a buzzkill. I know you are trying to have a little fling, but I swear to god, I'm mutilating this dude if he makes you cry." Sara and I have known each other since we were 10 and Lauren and I have known each other since we were 15. Sara has always and, I guess, will always be. 

"Okay, but how about we go out and get up to date on the locals, instead of partying, tonight." They agreed. I can't wait to be tan. I get the luck of the Irish and stay white as a sheet in Pittsburgh weather. 


(Sara's pov) 

I really hope Liv lets loose and lives. She's too much of a good girl. I also hope her plans of having a fling don't break her heart. I can't go through what happened with Matt, again. Oh hell no, if I have to go through that again, I'm cutting someone. Yeah, we are a violent group of girls. 

I turned my head and looked at the clock. It was about 5:30. We should go get ready. I warned the girls and we all got ready.

We all went for casual looks. I wore a MCR shirt with white shorts and my balck Vans. My hair was down with the usual curls. Lauren wore an American flag tank with stone wash shorts and red Vans. Lauren's hair was up in a curled pony. We share Vans, while Olivia was a little dressier, as usual. She wore a pink tank, light wash shorts, pink TOMS, and curled her hair with a little headband in it. The award for person with most TOMS goes to Olivia Kane. I think she has about 15 pairs, if I'm not mistaking. 

"We ready, ladies?" Liv asked. 

"Yep. Let's go." Lauren responded.

We walked for a few minutes, until we reached a little tiki bar. It was called 'The Tikki Tiki'. We grabbed a booth, since we were going to eat something. We sat and talked for a while. After a few minutes, 'Millionaires' by The Script came on.

"Wanna dance?" I asked.

"Um, it's The Script, what do you think?" Liv said, in her normal sarcastic tone. She was a major Scriptette. It was actually adorable. She and Lauren had a different taste in music than I, so sometimes, we disagree on cds to play. 

We got to the dance floor, laughing at the other, most likely, drunks dancing. We started to dance, laughing every time Olivia almost fell. The song finished, and so did we. 

We got back to the booth. As soon as we sit down, a group of hotties walk in.

Hm, Liv, one of them may be your summer sex buddy." 

"Um, sorry to burst your bubble, Sar, but um I think they may be ya know." One was kissing the other and the other two were hugging.

"Oh oops!" I said. Lauren, who probably had too much to drink, started to laugh way too much. She was a lightweight, but I guess I am, too. Shockingly, Liv could pound a few back and still could be coherent. 

After we ate, we decided to head back to the house. I helped Lauren home.

"Sara, I swear tomorrow we can go out and party." I knew she meant well and didn't want to ruin the summer.

"Okay, little Liv." She rolled her eyes.

"Goodnight, Sar Bear. Night, Lauren." she went into her room.

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