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Riley: "Maya, my dad told me that my Uncle Eric went to the mall when he was 13, on Christmas eve and chased the mall Santa around trying to get him to take him to the North Pole. The mall cop put him in mall jail until my grandparents got there. Then on Christmas morning he threw the light up Santa out the window because he thought Santa's elves brought it to spy on him. The light up Santa broke in half, caught on fire, then set the lawn on fire. The fire department came and put out the fire, but still..."
I just stared at her, then started laughing.
Me: "Thanks Riles."
She nodded.
Josh: "That's not even the worst Eric has screwed up."
We both turned and saw Josh standing in the doorway holding a cup of hot cocoa.
Riley: "Josh she's okay, you can..."
Josh: "The only way I got Cory to agree is if I stayed over too, why you're not sick of me already are you?"
He smiled and looked at me.
Josh: "So is it okay?"
I nodded.
Josh: "Can I come in?"
I nodded. He walked in, then looked around.
Josh looked at my drawings on the walls.
Josh: "These are incredible, I didn't know you still drew."
Me: "Uh yeah, thanks."
Josh: "Why are you nervous?"
Riley: "I'm the only one that has seen these, they're personal for her."
Josh looked at me apologetically.
Me: "It's okay, don't worry about it."
Josh smiled gently.
Josh walked out of the room. I heard cabinets opening and closing. I felt tired.
I pulled the blankets up higher to my neck.
Riley: "It's only 11am, you're tired, get some rest."
Me: "No, I'm, okay."
I shut my eyes. After a few seconds, I was asleep. I woke up feeling arms pick me up. I felt someone carrying me. I opened my eyes. It was Josh, we were in the living room. There were 2 baked oven pizzas, breadsticks and dips, sugar cookies, and 3 cups of Egg Nog on the coffee table. I saw Riley sitting on the couch looking for a movie on Netflix. Josh set me on the couch beside Riley. He sat beside me and looked at me. His eyes widened.
Josh: "Hey, you feeling better?"
I nodded.
Me: "What is all this?"
Riley: "My parents brought it over, and Josh baked it."
I looked at Josh. He smiled.
Josh: "I can't cook beyond that so no jokes."
Me: "Too bad, I like when a guy can cook."
I smirked and he laughed lightly.
Riley: "So what is this?"
Me: "What?"
Riley: "You and Josh."
I felt my eyes widen. I looked at Josh, his eyes were wide too.
Riley: "I'm kidding, I'm glad you guys are friends."
I looked at Josh. He was blushing. I felt heat in my cheeks.

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