IDK (Percy Jackson)

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A daughter of Poseidon and her mother ran into the darkness, the daughter of Poseidon was holding onto her mother tightly as she could with her cubby toddler hands.
"Mommy I'm scared" the little girl sobbed into her mothers shoulder, before she could answer a loud bang echoed throughout the alleyway they ran into. The mother stopped dead blood leaked through a hole in her head, her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed the little girl still in her arms. They smacked into the pavement, the little girl shook her mother.
"MOMMY! MOMMY! Mommy?" The little girl only succeeded in making her mothers wound bleed more. The little girl didn't understand the concept of death yet, and why should she, she was only three

The man who killed her mother was her step-father, he was a nasty, horrible man who had abused the little girl and her mother since he came into there lives.
"You little bastard, you little fucking piece of shit. Look what you made me do? It's your fault your mothers dead you little bitch. If you hadn't told your mom I hurt you she would have lived. You. killed. her." The little girl broke down, she killed her mother, she wasn't coming back not to sing her a lullaby or to tell her story's of heroes, or kiss her goodnight. She was gone, and it was her fault.
"I should kill you for killing my wife." The man said,
"No Gabe please don't" the little girl whimpered,
"Don't? okay, I won't but I have plans for you" Gabe said evilly, his thoughts were sickening.

That's when a goddess, no, Titaness decided to step in it was Reah the mother of the Olympians. She glowed with power and made Gabe fall over in fear. The Titaness glared at the Man.
"What did you do to the girl." Reah snarled
"I didn't do anything to her I swear" he pleaded
"Don't lie to me" the growled again
"I didn't do anything" he said once again, Reah glared. The Titaness snapped her fingers and the man crumbled into dust. Reah turned back to the little girl who was cowering beside her dead mother.
"I'm here to help child" Reah spoke kindly to the little girl, the girl looked up at the Titaness.
"Really" she sniffled tears still dribbling down her cheeks.
"What's your name honey" Reah asked kindly,
"Per- Perse-" her eyebrow scrunched up in confusion her name was hard to pronounce "Persephone" she finally exclaimed "but mommy calls me Steph" Persephone's eyes darted back to her mom the tears spilled over her cheeks again.
"Come here, I'm Reah" Reah said to Steph and opened her arms Steph hesitantly hugged her back.

When Reah hugged Steph she got a closer look at her. She had raven black hair that was pulled into two messy pigtails, she had tanned skin for a three year old and she had startling sea green eyes that swirled with emotions. She was an Olympians daughter by the power she produced. And her aura was a sea green like her eyes. Reah came to the conclusion that she was Poseidon's daughter, but she couldn't figure out why Poseidon would leave his lover and daughter in the hands of such a cruel man. Steph looked up again.
"Can you fix mommy, Reah, Gabe hurt her" she timidly asked. Reah looked at the little girls mom, the blood had seeped out of the bullet wound in her head and now the pavement was covered in the crimson red substance, her eyes had glazed over and blood spilled out of her mouth.
"I'm sorry honey I can't fix her" Reah whispered to the child. The tears returned and the wailing began. Steph sobbed her little heart out until she collapsed from sheer exhaustion into Reahs arms.

Reah knew what she was going to do she would find the child another family that will love her, and this particular family was apart of a race of wizards. Created by her sisters granddaughter. Hecate. The goddess of magic and crossroads.

Reah wrapped her arms around the Steph and teleported to Hectates home.
"Hectate" Reah called out,
"Reah?" Hectate questioned, Reah nodded "Hello Reah I haven't seen my great aunt in a while, who is this" Hectate asked.
"This is Persephone Jackson, she is Poseidon's daughter." Reah answered "I need you to give her the power that your race of wizards and witches have." Hectate spat out her drink of nectar,
"How did you find out about them" she questioned suspiciously.
"I have my ways" Reah responded mysteriously "now back to giving her wizard powers" Reah looked at Hectate.
"I could bless her or give her ordinary powers of a witch. It's your choice she seems important to you." Hectate answered "the side affects would be it would increase her demigod scent but it would make her an extremely powerful and smart witch also capable of wand less magic, and she would probably be metamorphagus"
"Give her your blessing, she has many troubles in her future and this might just help her."

Hectate touched Persephones forehead with her thumb and a bright light engulfed her.
"Thank you Hectate, I will visit soon," Reah disappeared with Persephone leaving Hectate wondering what was going to be in the child's future.


Reah held the child close it had been ages since she had held a child close to her.
"Mommy" Steph said as her eyes opened slightly, when Steph eyes landed on Reah, her eyes dimmed her mother wasn't there, she was dead. Her eyes welled with tears Reah hugged Steph again.
"Shh, It's okay Honey, you mother is in a better place" Reah whispered to the child, those words didn't do anything to stop the steady flow of tears that dribbled down her cheeks.
"I miss my mommy" Steph whispered back,
"I know you do" Reah said softly,
"Will you be my mommy, Miss Reah" Steph asked,
"Why do you want me to be your mother Steph" Reah asked curious to why the young demigod liked her so much to replace her mother with her.
"Well your really nice, and I don't think you would hit me like Gabe" Steph responded,
"Oh honey, I'm sorry I can't be your mother" Reah told her kindly
"Why not?" Steph asked.
"I just can't but I can give you another chance" Reah replied softly
"What chance?" Steph questioned
"A chance to have a family again," Reah told her,
"Really?" Steph said
"Really." Reah replied as a smile graced her lips.

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