IDEK what this is (Harry Potter)

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Though not many know Minerva Mcgonagall had a daughter. She was lost when a bought of accidental magic sent her somewhere in the world. Not even the ministry of magic knew if her baby was still alive, Minerva searched endlessly for her child but gave up hope a year into her search she could not be found by anyone. That was until little Aria Mcgonagall revived her Hogwarts letter, instantly replying with a yes. Aria attended Hogwarts known as Aria Hera muggle born daughter of Evan and Lucille Hera, and that's who she thought she was.

She was a year above Lily and the Marauders and became the Ravenclaw Head Girl in her final year. She graduated in 1977 with an outstanding in almost all of her O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S just like her mother not that she knew of course. Aria was offered a high paying job at the American Ministry of Magic and left London to go to America. Up until a blood inheritance test was done a the American branch of Gringotts did Aria know she was not a Hera but a Mcgonagall, And her mother real mother had been teaching her transfiguration for seven years.

Aria set out to find her mother again and maybe reconnect as mother and daughter other than teacher and student. To say Minerva was surprised would be an understatement, all these years mourning over her supposedly dead daughter when she taught her this whole time. But reconnecting was tough Aria still had her job and so did Mcgonagall, but they did reconnect with letters, photos and muggle ways of communication sometimes. She was still close to here adoptive parents but took the name Mcgonagall just to honour the mother she never actually knew.

But on the 3rd anniversary of Voldemorts defeat Aria Mcgonagalls life changed for the better. A little girl came into her life that made both there futures so much brighter, than before.
May Galaxy Potter entered her entered her life after she was disowned by her family in favour of her brother and she was neglected, mentally and verbally abused by the Potters who let the fame get to there heads. May was a absolute genius and had the most beautiful ever changing eyes due to the metamorphagus abilities that she inherited from her grandmother Dorea Potter who was formally a Black. (A/N I know this isn't true but just go with it)

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