??????????? (Harry Potter)

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It's because of him I am alone, it's him who made me forgotten, it's him who stole anything I cared about, it's him who stole the spotlight, but it's me who let him.

Elise Lily Potter was a shadow in her own home and was nothing more than a rumour in the wizarding world. Her life had long since crumbled around her and all that was left was a smoking crater. Now she was only four at the moment but she had learnt how to keep herself alive since the downfall of Voldemort, with a little help from the house elves she could live without having to get a beating for asking for food. If you want to know the full story you have to start from the beginning, the end of the first wizarding war in 1981.


Instead of a dark stormy night it was actually pleasantly warm. The last rays of sunlight were swallowed by night and the moon shone. Kids played in the street and knocked on doors hoping for candies or treats. As the night played on, the Potters sat with their two young children while being cuddled up by the fire. It was peaceful. But that peace was broken by the Dark Lord, Voldemort.
His bony hand gripped the gate as he pushed it open, it creaked and groaned, but he didn't care he swiftly walked to the door of the Potter household. He could hear the yelling of the father James who had seen him coming.
"-Take the kids and run!" James yelled to his wife who was now running upstairs with the kids. They were cornered how wonderful. Voldemort blasted the door spikes of wood and glass embedded themselves into James Potter who was getting ready to fight Voldemort, James fell to the floor knocking himself out on the table edge. Pathetic. Voldemort swiftly walked past him the parent weren't his main priority at he moment, Voldemort quickly went up the stairs into the precious twins bedroom where the MudBlood Lily was protecting her children, he would have killed her if he hadn't promised Severus.
"CRUCIO!" Voldemort yelled, lily dropped to the floor screaming in pain, a smiled lingered on his face at the sound of her screams.

"Now which one of you is prophesied to defeat me?" He looked questionably at the two Potter children. One was a boy with rusty red coloured hair and ugly brown eyes that was Ryan Potter, and then there was a girl with Raven black hair and Avada Kedavra Green eyes, Those eyes drew him in her eyes had hidden power and knowledge hidden in there depths, that was Elise Potter Voldemort thought.
"It must be you Little Elise" he pointed his wand at the older girl,
"AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort shouted. A glowing shield encased the girl, then slowly spreading over Ryan it destroyed half the nursery and fired back the curse at the former Dark Lord, then he was nothing but ash, his last though being Little Bitch. The younger brother Ryan started wailing and screaming when he fell on a piece of glass cutting a Σ into his cheek. Where as his older sister made no sound as a lightning bolt scar was cut over her heart.

When Dumbledore finally made it to the Potter household James was waking up and was in the process of being taken to Saint Mungo's as was Lily after she was found still screaming in pain on the nursery floor.

Dumbledore walked swiftly into the nursery, and saw it in ruins all that could be identified were two cribs one a deep ocean blue and the other Gryffindor Gold. He checked Ryan's magical signature and his scar and saw traces of dark magic coming off it, but it was only because the glass he fell on had absorbed a tiny amount of the backlash of the dark curse. He did not even check little Elise's magical core before he proclaimed Ryan Potter the Boy Who Lived, and saviour of the wizarding world.

Elise was three at the time but she did understand she was being ignored in favour of her brother. she was forgotten slowly, it started with forgetting to give her dinner one night and just kept going and going until the only person she had left was herself. Elise learned to thrive in harsh situations and made the most of her free time she learned to read and write, she and after that she absorbed all the knowledge she could. She loved to read adventure novels and couldn't wait for her own so when her Parents left with Ryan one day she explored the outskirts of the woods, then she explored deeper, she became more adventurous and camped in the woods for a night, and with the help of Minne the house elf she could stay even longer alone in the woods.

When Elise turned five she knew the woods back to front, every nook and cranny, every animal and spirt, she knew it very well. Camping in the woods were a normal occurrence for her and she would go camping for a week at a time or more. But one night she forgot to be careful sneaking back into the house and fell over the three year old Ryan. Lily caught her and beat her black and blue before telling James and Dumbledore. That's when the Potters kicked her out and Banished her from there home. But maybe worst of all they didn't care if she died, and that might just happen with all the injuries she got from Lily and James.

Now at that moment she was lucky to have been found by someone awake at the ungodly hour, she had permanent brain damage from the beating and forgot everything from her past but still managed to retain her knowledge on how to read, write and how to survive on her own, the wizard who found her whose name was Alpha was walking the streets near Godric's Hollow been he quite literally fell over Elise. He saw that her body was small and frail she clearly had several broken bones and she was unconscious, so he immediately rushed her off to St Mungo's to get her help. At St Mungo's they healers treated the her who had a broken wrist and arm, a fractured leg, Elise was also severely underfed and had previously broken bones as well. She had no identity from the scans the healers did, her family had either disowned her or she never had a family or name but that was highly unlikely. Alpha felt sorry for the girl and took her in, he kept her fed clothed and tried to engage in conversations but she kept to herself and spent most of her time alone or in the forest behind his house. He named her Hestia, and true to the meaning of her name she had elemental power of Flame, she inherited metamorphagus abilities and so she usually stayed in a look similar to her name stake with deep red hair and flaming orange eyes.

Sadly when Hestia turned eight Alpha died leaving her without a magical guardian. So Alphas sister Mea agreed to care for her. Mea worked with magical creatures and brought Hestia along on any trips she had to make which Hestia enjoyed greatly she liked magical animals more than people she was particularly attached to a young dragon in the care of Mea.

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