This one doesn't make much sense (harry potter)

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She was perfectly content with her three year old life, until Hallows' eve 1981.

Instead of a dark stormy night it was actually pleasantly warm. The last rays of sunlight were swallowed by night and the moon shone bright. Kids played in the street knocked on doors hoping for candies or treats. As the night played on, the Potters played with their two young children cuddled up by the fire. It was peaceful. But that peace was broken by the Dark Lord Voldemort.
His bony hand gripped the gate as he pushed it open, it creaked and groaned, but he didn't care he cast an anti- apparition spell and swiftly walked to the door of the Potter household. He could hear the yelling of the father James who had seen him coming.
"-Take the kids and run!" James yelled to his wife who was now running upstairs with the kids. They were cornered how wonderful. Voldemort blasted the door spikes of wood and glass embedded themselves into James Potter who was getting ready to fight Voldemort, James fell to the floor knocking himself out on the table edge. Voldemort swiftly walked past him the parents weren't his main priority at he moment, Voldemort quickly went up the stairs into the precious twins bedroom where the MudBlood Lily was protecting her children, he would have killed her if he hadn't promised Severus.
"CRUCIO!" Voldemort yelled, lily dropped to the floor screaming in pain, a smiled lingered on his face at the sound of her screams.

"Now which one of you is prophesied to defeat me?" He looked questionably at the two Potter children. One was a boy with rusty red coloured hair and ugly brown eyes Ryan Potter, and last was a girl with Raven black hair and Avada Kedavra Green eyes That was Hestia Potter. Those eyes drew him in her eyes had hidden power and knowledge hidden in there depths.
"It must be you Little Raven" he pointed his wand at the raven haired girl,
"AVADA KEDAVRA" Voldemort shouted. A glowing shield encased the girl, then slowly spreading over her brother it destroyed half the nursery and fired back the curse at the former Dark Lord, he became nothing but ash, The younger brother Ryan started wailing and screaming when a piece of glass cut a vague Δ into his cheek. Where as his older sister made no sound as a lightning bolt scar was cut over her heart by the unforgivable curse.

When Dumbledore finally made it to the Potter household James was waking up and was taken to Saint Mungo's as was Lily after she was found still screaming in pain on the nursery floor.

Dumbledore looked over the children it couldn't be both the prophecy said one, but which? He saw that Evan had a scar and was screaming in pain and had a semi-powerful magical core, Dumbledore thought he was correct in assuming that Evan Potter was the Boy-Who-Lived. He didn't even check Hestias Magical core and if he did Dumbledore would see how much stronger she was than her brother, he didn't care about her welfare either all that mattered was the newly proclaimed Boy-Who-Lived. So Hestia became a shadow in her home and nothing more than a rumour in the wizarding world. Her life had crumbled around her and all that was left was a smoking crater. No later than a week after Evans 'defeat' of the dark lord, had the Potters hired servants because house elves were to common and they could now so they hired ten servants and built a servant quarters in there home. A week after that Hestia was placed into the care of a maid called Aiette Sander she was barley twenty and looked after the bubbly child like she would her own.

Hestia had been a very intelligent child since she was born she had reading and writing down pat in four weeks. With all her spare time Hestia helped Aiette with her work and read through the Potter library know one ever went in there anymore, by her fourth birthday she had read through the Potter library and she had even read the diarys and journals of her ancestors hidden in a secret room in the library. On a ordinary day about a week later Evan had been teasing Hestia and she got go angry and her hair turned bright red, ability one discovered Metamorphagus. Aiette helped her change her face and so it now usually stayed the same as Aiettes since Hestia thought of he as her mum since the Potters offical you disowned her after thinking she was a squib and how that would apparently shame the family name.

After that she had a relatively quiet two months, until Hestia decided to start practicing magic, wandlessly, she succeeded at it and did exceptionally. She went through her mothers school books since her father had burned his when he finished school, she learnt the spells from year 1-3 easily but the other years were hard to do, but she had magical theory down. At four and a half she showed Aiette and she was so proud. A little after telling Aiette Sirius Black was released from Azkaban after being falsely accused of the murder of thirteen innocent Muggles, after it was proved that Peter Pettigrew had done it.

This is were things started to pick up, Sirius Black visited the Potters and asked about his Goddaughter when the Potters told him they didn't know he stormed out in a fit of rage, he contacted Remus Lupin who had been in Alaska searching for rouge Death Eaters on Dumbledores orders for the past year and a half staying in contact through only letters and patronus charms, Remus immediately came back and started searching for her unfortunately they didn't find her. Sirius had been appalled when he found out that the Potters had servants, that they treated pretty poorly, when he found out about one of them being forced to look after there negected daughter. Sirius confronted James about it and was disgusted by how the fame had changed him for the worst he tried to take Hestia but she protested about leaving Aiette so She came along too, and together they started a new life, with Remus of course.

Sirius, Aiette, Remus and Hestia moved to America where Sirius adopted Hestia Magically and non magically it was irreversible, they moved into a extravagant house by the edge of a cliff away far away enough from Muggles to not be seen on brooms and everything but close enough to interact with them. The house had originally been created by a wizard but had been used by Muggles for the past century, Hestia had a room with walls covered in stars and constellations, a king sized bed and bare shelves soon to be filled. They registered themselves in the American ministry and we're now official citizens of magical America.

Hestia was cheeky, smart and adapted very well to her new surroundings, when she turned five she had learnt how to out prank Sirius with only a little help from uncle Moony as he incited on being called. Hestia still decided to look like Aiette but instead of the same Alburn locks as her she changed to have Sirius' long wavy black hair and regal cheekbones, Remus laughed and said that they should get together, he should not have said that in front of Hestia it became Hestias goal to get them together, it work they started dating after Hestias constant prodding and were content with their new found relationship.

Sirius was Daddy, Aiette was Mum and Remus was uncle Moony.

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