You can try make sense of this (maze runner)

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Albys pov.

I open my eyes to see myself in a giant elevator going upward very fast, and I couldn't remember a thing not even my name I concentrate and get the word A-L-B-Y,

"Alby my name is Alby," I yell, but then the the elevator starts to shake and rattles its way upward after what seems like hours it comes to a screeching halt and the doors open to reveal bright sunlight and a girl with fiery red hair and emerald eyes she pulled me out of the dreadful box into the burning sunlight, I was momentarily stunned by the light but my eyes soon adjusted and I saw where she lived, a plain open field surrounded by four walls with four openings and thick Ivy covering the them, and a small shack by the small trees in the corner.

"Hi, I'm Ivy" the girl said "I'm so glad that you came I was starting to go insane all by myself, I even saw these monster things though the window, the were real creepy, didn't think my mind could think up something like that,"

"I-I'm Alby, I can't remember anything Ivy" I stuttered,

"It's okay neither can I" Ivy said, then I wave of relief flooded through me, I'm not the only one I thought. After our brief talking session Ivy went quiet deadly quiet. Then I heard a screeching sound like metal against metal and saw the openings shutting.

"Wha- what" I yelled over the noise "how are they closing Ivy" once the doors closed Ivy replied "I don't know, but it seems every time the doors close I see the monsters, Hey I have an idea if you can see them though the window then I'm not crazy" Ivy started to run towards the east wall.

"Are you coming or what," Ivy yelled then I ran after her "Catch me if you can" she yelled over her shoulder,

"Hey, you got a head start" yelled over to her forgetting I was trapped in a bloody square with only Ivy and had know memorys of my past life but then Ivy stopped so I could catch up to her so I caught up to her.

"Ready.... Set.... Go...." I yelled and Ivy took off running faster than the wind, when I got to the window she was laughing at how slow I was.

"Hey, it's not my fault you run like the wind" I laughed,

"Well okay then, look out the window" she said, so I did and what I saw made me jump back 4 feet,

"What the shuck is that" I said,

"Shuck?" Ivy Questions,

"I didn't want to swear in front of a girl" I answered,

"I like that, besides that did you see it" Ivy asked questionably,

"Uh, yeah, did you not see me jump back the 6 feet" I replied,

"It's the monsters I saw, I named them grievers" Ivy said happy that she new she wasn't crazy anymore.

"Well they are bloody scary" I said she just laughed and told me everything else she knew about this place. I learnt that she's been here for a month and supplies came up once a week, she had built a little hut to sleep in even though the weather doesn't change, the doors open at around sixish and close around 5, that she wrote notes for what she needed and dropped them in the box and then the supplies came up that week sometimes containing what she needed, that's about it.

Once I'd gotten though the basics of what happened here before I came we went over to the hut there was two pillows and two sleeping bags,

"I'm going to sleep outside you can come or sleep in the hut" Ivy said grabbing the stuff to make a bed,

"I'm going to sleep outside with you" I said and she replied with a sweet smile,

"Night shuck face" Ivy said,

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