[24] love potion

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"Morning, all," yawned James as he woke up. He tousled his hair sleepily and looked around the room. Peter, who always overslept, was still fast asleep beneath his blankets. Remus was groaning and pushing himself into a seated position. Sirius, however, was already up, drinking from the water jug and staring out the window.

"You're up early, Padfoot," James remarked.

"What do you think they talk about?" Sirius replied dreamily.

"What? Who?"

"Peter and Lilac, of course! What do you think they talk about, when they're walking all over the grounds." His voice had turned expectedly sour.

"I dunno, all sorts of things, I suppose. Why does it matter?"

"He's not good enough for her." This time his voice was definitely sour, and angry too.

"What're you saying babe?" asked Remus, getting up off the bed, walking over to Sirius, and hugging him, "Peter's our best friend, and I don't see anything particularly amazing about this Lilac girl. He's definitely good enough for her."

All of a sudden, Sirius violently shoved Remus off of him and bellowed:


Remus climbed to his feet, tears in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you liked her that much."

"Well, I do. Much better than I like you, anyway."

"Ar-are you saying?"

"Yes Remus, I am breaking up with you. I'm going to find Lilac."

As soon as the door closed, Remus fell to the floor and began to sob.

"Hey, Moony, shhh, it's okay," said James, stepping across fallen blankets to get to his friend and wrapping his arms around him.

"Wh- Ho- T- that wasn't Sirius. Sirius wo- would never- do that- to- to me," blubbered Remus.

"I know, I know. Maybe something happened. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

When Remus continued to cry, not knowing what else to do, James got them both glasses of water from the jug. Remus accepted his and slowly sipped from it, wiping away his tears. James began drinking his own, and said:

"You know what would cheer you up? How 'bout we go down to the kitchens and get some of the house elves' best chocolate, eh? How about it, Moony?"

"No," said Remus, sounding quite less sad than before.

"No?" repeated James.

"No. No, I think I'll go see Lilac."

Lilac? James was about to respond by asking his friend why in Merlin's name he would do that, when he realized how much he liked the name Lilac, and also the person it belonged to.

"Yes, I think I'll come with you."

And the pair of them left their dormitory, still in their pajamas.


Lilac was walking down the hallway with her friend, on their way to breakfast, when they practically ran into James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, who were all in their pajamas.

"Hello," she called out to them, giving a friendly smile, "Forgot your uniforms?"

"Yes," said Sirius dreamily, "I love you."

"You what?"

"I love you!" said James matter-of-factly, "I love you more!"

"Not as much as I love you," said Remus with a dopey grin, walking over and giving her a hug. The other two followed him and wrapped their arms around her as well.

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