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51 6 6


"So you're back again Lieutenant?"

"Yes Payne. I think I'll come by everyday." I shrug

"Any problem sire?" He asks with a concern about his eyes.

"Aye his mistress is in distress" Abu chirps in. He looks more ragged than yesterday.

I smile in acknowledgement and look down as he hovers near me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"You should have gone somewhere instead of taking the duty lad." He says and the pungent whisky smell strikes my olfactory nerves instantly.

"And? What? Run away like a wuss and turn my back on my nation?"

"You standing here in this fucking freezing cold for the goddamn nation ain't gonna change anything son. Not the fate of this war or the nation's. It is not gonna help."

"Maybe you're right. But it sure will help me. My conscience. My feelings."

"See you around Foster." He gives a chuckle and pats my cheeks and signals to give way to the booth.


"Morning Sire." Tom says with a bright smile.

"Hello Tom. How have you been?"

"Good Sire. Booth I suppose?" He says cheerfully.

"You got that right." I say and smile.

"This way sire" he leads me into the familiar cabin and as soon as I step into it, I feel the warmth seeping through. The snow had made my feet numb and I sit in the small chair beside and remove my damp boots off my feet.

The familiar ring goes on for seconds together and I couldn't help but mutter prayers under my breath. I don't think I can hold on to my life without listening to her. Her not-so-sweet but enchanting voice.


The same voice message that we recorded months back plays and I couldn't help but smile.
God bless you.

The message ends and I'm once again faced with the dreaded silence.

The silence that has to be filled with something. Something that would convey her my miserable form and incoherent thoughts and make her understand my terrible situation.

But I know I wouldn't be able to chain a sentence without breaking down into a pool of tears.

Come on Henry! You can do it.


I wait as if I'm going to get a reply from that side and realise my incredulous foolishness.


I'm sorry Layla. I really am. Please talk to me. Please."

I stop for 10 seconds.

"Its really tough to get the permission to make a call. And I'm atleast breaking 15 rules to secretly sneak into the communication department. You've no idea how miserable I am."

Sweet. She is already pissed off with my job and the first thing I do is call her and rant about my frigging rules. Now she's going to be pissed off even more.

"Look Layla. This landline is so old. And... if you ever need to contact me... don't leave a voicemail. It doesn't have that facility. So... So I'll try and call you everyday at 12 noon. If that's okay.
That's okay.. right?

Baby... you'll talk to me right? .

Yeah okay.

Ummm.. I got to go.

And its cold here. So cold you'll suicide instead of even trying to survive. hahaha! "

Okay now I'm laughing on my own.

"Yeah I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. Look. Be safe! The world is not a free zone anymore.
I'll see you baby. I'll ...

I promise this is all going to get over before we know it. And I'm gonna be there by your side everyday.

I'll even paint your nails. I always refuse. But I won't anymore.
Just pick up tomorrow. Okay?

Take care Lai!
Bye.. "


"Lieutenant! Is everything all right?"

I jerk my head up to see Louis's head peering into the cabin.

"Yeah why?"

"No. You've.. you've kind of been in there for an half-hour even though you.. your call ended long before.

"Yeah.. I.. I sort of wanted to... stay in for a while. I.."

"Would you like some water sire?"

"Thanks Tom. But I'm leaving. I'll be back at 12 tomorrow. Make sure the booth is free okay?"

"Sure sire." He says ferverently and I exit the cabin wiping my frozen tears away. 



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ILY all <3

~ Sana !

99 VoicemailsWhere stories live. Discover now