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40 6 1


Somebody answers and I'm pretty sure it's not Layla.

"Hello! Layla?"

"Zayn My Sweetie Pie! How are you?"


"Gammy! I'm good. How are you?" And all of the anticipation and rolling down the hill in a heavy blizzard is to talk to my grandmother. Yeah sure!

"Oh! I'm due to the devil tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Leave me! How are you son? How have you been? It's so scary here. All the schools, universities are closed. No hospitals. No markets. Nothing. We're surviving on bread and milk. Oh how the times have changed!" She cries and I couldn't help but feel really really bad.

"Hold on gammy. This is all going to be over soon. We're bunked right at the border and there's been a lot of terrorist activities going on. I'm sure we're capable of winning the war."

"Are you- are you okay honey? Leave it and come back now Zayn! I've already had enough by losing my only son and daughter - in law to all this nonsense. Just come back. You need to bury me. I don't want it to be the other way around my boy."

"I promise you the neither is going to happen anytime soon gammy. Please stop crying. Take care of your health."

"How can I ? After seeing you suffer that way?" She is in a fit of sobs.

"See? See what?"

"I and Lola saw the terrorist attack on the border footage. It was telecasted almost to the entire nation. It said it was caught directly from the spy cam."


"You're saying Oh? Just oh?"

"I see you're still calling Lay-" I swallow the lump forming in my throat "Layla as Lola. Where is she?"

"She's been a mess since y-"

Gammy! I've made lunch. Put down the phone. Will you?

A voice that had the potential to crush my little heart from the other end of the world spoke.

"Baby.. I've convinced her as much as I could. She's simply too stubborn. She hardly leaves the room, goes to work sometimes, eats when she's hungry. She's not even talking a word out of necessary."

Yeah. That sounded like Layla.

"That's ummm.. Alright gammy. You take care." I reply in exasperation.

"You take care son. Be safe. Kick some arses!" She exclaims in her mustered up tone trying to inject hope more to her than myself.

"Take care... of her gams" I say and end the call.

I reach the door of the bunk to exit the place and stop in my tracks. Something makes me to retract my route and before I know it I'm back in the booth, dialing the number again.


"I'm glad you didn't lift the call Layla. I uh-

I think I can live without you talking to me.. I mean its hard I know.. But I don't think I can li- no I don't think I can even survive with the fact that you don't wish to talk to me anymore or listen to me anymore.

I never can... Not in this birth.

I love you. Bye "

/* Sorry for updating very late. I'm really stuck up in heavy rains at my place. My city has more water than Venice now probably. Chennai is experiencing flood ! Lots of lives have been lost due to the water currant, starvation etc.

At my place there is knee level water and I couldn't get out of home. No power. No Net. No much food. No TV. No Wattpad. Its getting better now, though its still raining.

Please pray for chennai ! :(


Praying Sana <3 */

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