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46 7 3


""Lieutenant sire is everything okay ?"

"Y- Yes Louis." I stammer.

"I'm sorry but you look dreadful sire. Are you sure you don't want me to do anything?" Sometimes like these, I wish I was gay and married Louis instead.

"Thanks Louis. Can I rest somewhere for a while?"

"Yes Lieutenant come with me. I'll show you to my bunker."

"Thanks Lou." He looks pleasantly shocked with the new nickname he has got.

"It's not much. But please make yourself comfortable." He shows his small bunker with three decker beds. It is warm and I feel right at home for some reason.

"How many of you share the bunker?"

"Three. Sometimes even ten. Depends." He says and chuckles.

"You guys have parties don't you?" I ask him and he shifts uncomfortably.


"I said enough with the manners. Incase you failed to notice, that's an order by the way." I say in a serious tone.

"Ummm. Sorry L- Mr.Malik. Our idea of party is kind of different. Throw in a heater and some good old songs from the rusting up radio and pitch in some bottles of Ale or Rum and Bam! You've got yourself a party." He says and grins, letting the trace of his smile spread till his eyes.

"So you guys drink?"

"Once in a while Sir. You know, when you've got nothing to do but sit and brood over the family and wonder if you'll ever see them or talk to them again." He says and looks down.

"So.. What's your family doing?"

"Me mum's a nurse. Dad's an ex army man. He passed though. Mum never wanted me to join this thing. But I guess its in my blood. Couldn't even bring myself to think about being something else for a day." He says proudly.

"You're happy?" I can't help but feel jealous. We both were kind of same but still, he didn't have the burden that I did.

"Hmmm." I didn't know how to fill the silence.

"Sir. Ummm. Why are you so early today. I mean there's more than an half hour more for 12 noon."

"I didn't feel like sitting up there in that lonely cabin and looking up at the starry sky. It... It-"

"You could tell me sir. I can see something is troubling you."

"It reminds me of her."

He is not even remotely surprised or sorry. From his reaction, it seems like he has always known.

"Girlfriend sir?"

"More like.. Wife."

"Oh sorry Sir."
"Don't worry sire. You'll see her soon. You're talking to- err... talking to her daily. Ma'am is lucky to have you." It almost makes me chortle.

"More like talking by myself lately. Thank god people are not mistaking me for a 'phone psycho' " I guffaw.


"She never picks up Lou. Not once. I tried convincing her. She's not... she's.. she never talked to me once since I came here." This is the most vulnerable I've ever felt.

"Sire please. Please get yourself together. I'm sure Ma'am has her reasons. She's probably really angry on you. She's missing you. And the love she has towards you is the reason behind her temper. I'm sure she's going to look past it and talk to you sire. It's hard to come by a sincere man like you. And I don't think Ma'am is going to miss you.

Wouldn't I even sell my soul to the Satan just to see that comes true?

"No Lou. Its like she left me. She left a self centered bastard like me. She left me alone to die and rot in this white waste. All by myself. Like I left her behind and came here. But I never stopped loving her. Not even a second. " My eyes start glistening.

"Sire! If anyone's more selfless, its you. You've left a family, a loving wife and a peaceful life, for what? For people who you don't even know exist and people who don't know you even exist. Isn't that the peak of selflessness?"

"It's apparently not. For her!"

"Sire I'm sure it's going to be alright."

"I hope so too Louis. Thank you for being so kind to me." I say.

"It's nothing sire. You can count on me."

And I did.

"It's 12 Lou. I'll better go and make the call." I say and leave his bunker. And as I step out, several soldiers stop their activities abruptly and stare at me. I keep walking without minding.

When I reach the booth a new sense of fear grips ahold of me. And all of a sudden the deal I made yesterday keeps ringing in my ears. What if she lifts the call and tells me she doesn't want me anymore? What if she hates me? What if she says she's going to leave me for someone else?

I grip the receiver and a panic attack strikes me.

I hear the ring.

Layla please don't pick the call.

It keeps ringing.

Don't pick up baby.

And when the rings almost start to cease, and the before it turns to voicemail,

The call is answered.


/* Omfg! Omfg! Can you believe this? All my semester exams got cancelled due to heavy rain amd cyclone in my area! Yayyyyy! And I don't have to go to college for like a month. Wowieee Dowiee! My cousins are coming over from The US which is cool and they're gonna get me hot loads of stuffs which is beyond cool!

Admit it! We all are more excited about the gifts and stuffs than the people coming over :P Lol at least I am!

I'll be updating so often so all you need to do is,

Keep Voting ....

Keep commenting...

Keep drooling over presents from abroad relatives :P


Excited Sana <3 */

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