(99 - 95) = ?

38 6 8



"I'm sorry I acted so grumpy and rude yesterday. I really am...
I thought you didn't even care if I'm dead. How ridiculous is that?
Remember one time? In Tibet? I stepped on a huge milestone on the way to the top of the mountain and you were so nervous and kept shooting worried glances at me?

And true to your worries my feet accidentally slipped and I was about to fall behind into that 7000ft abyss! If not for that snake controlling tribal guy and your blood curling, high-pitched shrill scream, I'd be.... Well, I'd not be....
You didn't eat Layla!

You didn't sleep my love!

You couldn't stop crying my baby...
And that's the first time in my life I ever understood that I need to live on! I need to survive. Not for the sake of me.. not for anything but you..

Just you Layla.. Just you!

And I will Layla. I will hold ont-
I'm sorry. I'm breaking down.
Hahaha!!! Can you believe that?

Can you believe me? My thoughts? I must have gone mad or something.
You care for me more than I care for myself don't you?
Every bullet that aims to my head slips away Layla.
Its not the shooter's mistake..
Its not my luck...

Its your love baby... Its just that!
That's what is keeping me alive. Hope! Faith! Belief!
On you... On us... On our love...
Layla! Please tal-
I'm sorry... I c- I can't."



I'm not at all studying for my exams :( I'm so inclined in writing this thing!!! And I'm probably gonna fail :(

Keep Voting!

Keep commenting!

Keep praying that a heavy rain should cancel my examinations!

Sana (scared) <3

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