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"Team A! Sargent Norman will lead you all and you need to be positioned at the entrance to the pit. When the terrorists come out from their hideout, they won't be anticipating hits from the way they came. So you must attack on my order. I'll be on top of that coniferous tree and you need to listen to me and watch the pit like a hawk!" I exclaim furiously.

"Yes Lieutenant!" The energetic voices of the soldiers boom.

"Sargent Norman! You may prepare your team and instruct them as per your plan." I instruct and move on.

"Team B! You'll be lead by Sargent Wesley! And you need to position yourself beside the trees near the pit. You are not! I repeat you're not allowed to fire till I instruct. The terrorists will be engaged with gunshots from Team A and its going to take a moment for them to reel from the shock!"

"They're going to fire back in a full swing at Team A and we'll use the opportunity to counteract from the unexpected side and catch them off guard." A soldier exclaims and impresses me. I look over and Louis grins at me. I'm unusually happy to see him and give him a wink.

"Precisely! They're going to have more than one element of surprise!" I say and all the soldiers nod in agreement.

"I hope you do know that this might turn out to be a suicide operation Lieutenant Malik. I'm positive that there aren't more than 15 men inside that pit possessing god-knows-what instruments! But as always, we just made an assumption. There could be any number of men or anything in the pit. I'm already worried of risking you and your troops!" The major says worriedly.

"Sir I'm sure the information is true. Even if its not, I'll handle it. If my team isn't back before 3 hours, please do wait for an hour more and...

And order the sleighs to collect the bodies before its dark sir." I say and swallow.

He looks at me and gives a respectful salute and I return the favour.

"Whatever happens out there, remember Zayn. The nation could never replace a soldier like you. You made it proud!" He says and beams at me.

"I'm just doing my job sir."

"Of course you are. I hope to see you again Malik." He says and starts to move.

"Sir.. If you-" I stutter again.

"Yes? Tell me son. What can I do for you?" He stops on his tracks and asks.

"Sir I was wondering if you could permit me for a while. I.. I mean there is 40 minutes to start. I'll ... I'll be back in a jiffy" I say rushedly.

"Permit? For what?" He asks as if he has no idea. Of course he has no idea.

"I.. I will just make a call home sir. I-"

"I trust you'll be back in a jiffy. Go on.. But please don't tell anyone or everyone would want to go too."

As soon as he tells me, I couldn't help but be happy even though I know there is a possibility of me being killed or cut to pieces. But who cares? I look at the time and it says 11:46 and there is exactly 14 minutes to get my frozen ass to the booth. Layla would be waiting..

Or so I think.

"Louis?" I whisper.

"Sire? Why exactly are you.. errr... whispering?"

"I'm going to the booth now. To call my wife. Perhaps do you want to join me too?" I seriously didn't know what I was thinking. But for some reason I liked Louis very much. He reminded me of Layla's younger brother.

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