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The first week was hard. I tried to avoid him but I saw Harry everyday. With a lot of boys and girls, Laughing while i was sitting with my two friends: Harley and Caleb. But they were only focusd on their Phones. I didn't tell them anything About Harry and me, They wouldn't understand it, I thought. Harry didn't even give me one look. He acted like I was invisible.

Week two I wasn't sad anymore, I was angry. I wanted to delete Harry forever from my phone but i couldn't. Everyday when I saw him I wanted to scream to him, to fight with him. My friends saw that I was acting strange and asked me if something was wrong. I explained them the whole story and at that moment I realized that I have real friend Because after school we went to Walmart and bought a lot of food: choclate, Donuts, Cola ect. We watched a movie at Calebs home. It was a great movie the name was: The maze runner.

Week three I forgot Harry. I still saw him everyday, I didn't know what it was, first i never saw him and now I see him like everyday. He gave me one look on monday, I don't know if I saw it right, But his eyes didn't look that green anymore and he was wearing that Same clothes as in week 2. On friday I was walking to my home, when I  heard someone screaming my name and I started running Because I knew it was Harry. But Harry was a lot faster than me and after two minutes of running I just stopped and asked him what he wanted. He looked at the ground, he was looking nervous. I didn't see him like this before. He said nothing and I walked Away.
And now its week four.
I'm walking to school, Like every morning. Next week there's prom. Caleb asked Harley, He had a crush on her since he saw her for the first time, She was happy and said Yes. My mom is still pushing me to go. I don't like the idea to be there watching Harry, But Harry and me is history now. And I also don't have a date, One  girl asked me. She is my neighbour, it was in week one. She walked to me and just asked. I screamed to her that she has to shut up Because i'm gay. I feel bad for her, She doesn't want to look at me anymore when I say Hi to her. I still can take her to prom.. No. The day is going fast, I have Math with Marcel the first hour. He is really funny. And his green eyes make me think of Harry. Marcel also has Brown hair but it's Straight. They could be brothers. The second and third hour, I have history. Our teacher is really old. Sometimes he just sleeps while whe are working. Hour four and five I have PE. I have PE with Harry, Lucky me. I never noticed that before. He and his friend Liam had to make teams and guess what: They Didn't pick me. The teacher said that one of the teams had to have me. They acted like it was awfull to have me in their team. I'm good at PE. Harry walked Away with his team and Liam said that I could join his team but he didn't look happy. And now we're still playing. And i dont understand anything About it only that i want to go to home.

Louis!" I turn my head, And after i do i feel the bal smaking my face. I fall on the Floor. My head hurts a lot and i stand up. Everyone is standing like they see a monster. "Louis, Your noise is bleading." I heard the voice from Zayn, Harry's boyfriend. He has a big smile on his face. And i'm sure he hit the bal into my face. "You guys are all focking stupid!" I'm screaming and i feel the tears on my cheecks. I run the sports hall out, To the toilet. My head hurts a lot, My right Eye is Blue and green my noise is bleading and that By one focking bal. Someone is knocking on the door. "Shut up." I said. Harry walk in and my heart is stopping for a moment. I cover my face with my hands, He can't see me this ugly. "Harry go, Tell How stupid, Ugly i'm tomorrow but not today please." My voice sounds like a kid from six. "I'm so so so sorry." Harry say. I have dream this four weeks, That i say sorry to me but not on a moment like this. "Dont cover your self for me." I feel his hands in my hair and his face is by my neck. I dont have my hands any longer for my face. Harry grabs a tissue and takes it for a second under water. He slowly clean my noise and its the blood gone. "I mis you so much." Harry voice is slow and deep. "I have masturbate while i was thinking About your hands around me, I have kissing random boys and even girls to forget you. But they weren't that good."


I just want to thank you guys for All the readers, Comments and votes it means a lot! This is a different part no kik but i stil hope you guys like it!:)

Dont forget to vote and comment x

Kik // larry ~ completeWhere stories live. Discover now