Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee- "Five more minutes!" I yell. I slam my fist on the alarm clock. Can't a girl sleep? I started to fall back to sleep when the door opened. "Who's ready for their first day of school?!" My mom asked. "I'm not in the mood mother!" I yelled dramatically. "Your never in the mood Riley!" She said the same way I did. She sat in my bed. I sit up in frustration. "I just don't think I can do this. Not today." I told her. I don't think I'm ready to move on from what happened in Florida. "Hey. Look at me Riley." My mom told me. I look at her. I am Corey with topangas hair everyone tells me. "It will be ok. I'm not ready after what happened with a-" I cut her off. I don't want to hear his name. It only makes me break down in tears. "Don't say it!" I told her with anger in my voice. I'm still mad at myself. "Ok. We will move on. It will be better. I promise." She said. "Don't make promises that you can't keep." I said looking away. "I'll give you one more day. Your going to school tomorrow. Take the day off." She said. "Ok." I say. She get up. "Oh and don't forget to unpack the stuff in your closet!" She said as she left to go to work. I didn't know there was stuff in my closet. I don't know but I'm going back to bed.
*in Riley's dream*
I was walking down the side walk in my dress that I got from my birthday. Aggie picked it out. I was walk down the side walk with him. We stopped at a bench. I asked him in sign language if he wanted to sit. Aggie was deaf. He couldn't hear at all. He said ok. I put my arm around him. I hugged him. Then everything started to fade away. Aggie was fading. "NO NO NO!!" I screamed. I'm not letting him get away now. "AGGIE NO!!" I screamed. I started running. I was trying so hard to bring him back.
*riley wakes up*
"NOOO!!" I yelled. I wake up screaming and in a pool of sweat. It was only a dream. Only a nightmare. A nightmare that was true. I let him slip away. It's all my fault. I didn't save him in time. It's all my fault. I look up to see a girl like me. Except she had red eyes and red strip in her hair. "It's all your fault he's dead. Look what you did. You killed your baby and you made your parents split up. Your just a terrible person Riley honestly." She told me. "No no i didn't mean to-" "save it bitch. It's all your fault and you must suffer for being pain to the ones you love!" She said. Then she faded away. I'm sorry Aggie. I did this. It's all my fault. I cause this and your death was the effect. Cause and effect. I hate myself. There is no way in hell that in going back to bed. I get up. My feet touch the cold floor. I push myself up. Making a creek noise every time I take a step. Fatty! She yelled at me. I walk to my closets To get some cloths. I'm still thinking about the dream. I blame myself everyday for his death. It's all my fault. I open a box only to see a picture of me and aggie. "I lost you. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. It's all my fault and now I must suffer." I said while tears came down like a waterfall then i couldn't breathe. I started chocking on my own tears. I started to hold my throat trying to gain back air when I fell back. My clumsy self tripped over my own foot. Then everything went black.
*a few moments later*
I wake up to find a blond on top of me. "AAAHHH!!" I yelled making her jump off of me. "Ouch that shit hurts Riley!" She yelled. I slid under the bed grabbing a gun and sliding through the other side. I pointed the gun at her head. I had my finger on the trigger getting ready to fire. "Who are you, how do you know my name, how did you get in, and what are you doing here?!" I asked. "I am Maya Hart. I know your name because I looked in the boxes in the closet to see if you had anything to get you to start breathing again and found two birth certificates. Sorry if I thought your name was Riley if it is Agust. I it in through the bay window. I saw a lifeless girl and I thought that you were you know *puts hand on heart* ugh." She said while putting her hands up. Then I pull the trigger. "AAAHHH!!" She screamed. I laugh at her. "It's not loaded dumb ass! I stole this from a gun store in Florida. I forgot to steel some bullets." I laughed. "Oh well then. By that story I can see that your trouble." She said looking at me up and down. "Well it's a good day for trouble ain't it?" I asked. "Take a picture it will last longer!" I said. She looked up at me again. "No it's just that... You have a big cut on your leg." She said. I look down to see a big scar. Then memories flood back to my mind. "Oh t-that's nothing. Probably just you know a stress mark. It's fine it's fine." I reassured her. "Ok." She said. Me and maya got to know each other more that day. I don't know if I can trust her yet. But it's a start. She stayed for dinner with me and my mom. My mom likes her. She said and I quote "it's the start of a new relationship that you will never forget!" I just hope that there are no bumps on this road.

Players Girl
RandomRiley Mathews Riley just moved from Florida to New York. It was quit a change. Riley has had a rough life. He brother aggie died. She won't say why. Her parents are divorced. The great Corey and Topanga were no more. Riley was broken. She would cut...