Natasha's POV~
Ruby froze in place at the sight of the mutants. Well the thought that wolves were forcefully fused genetically with humans is pretty disgusting. "Those humans...That's not fair to them! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!" Ruby mumbled terrified, "we didn't know this would happen!" She said calling herself
"..?" I'm so confused. Ruby snapped out of her thoughts and blushed. "'s n-nothing." She mumbled. There she goes with that split personality again! One minute she's hot the next she's cold then she calls herself we!She scares me! She really does! A mutant ran at me and I easily dodged all of it's attacks. It grabbed a fallen tree branch and swung it at me, I did a back flip and easily dodged the few strikes it attempted and I then pulled out my katana from it's scabbard and cut it's head off with one forceful slice.
But the mutants kept pouring in endlessly. Ruby had several dead mutants around her and the others only had one like me. THAT'S ANOTHER THING ABOUT RUBY! She works twice as sufficient and as fast as the normal speed of my kind. I looked back to the woods and I gasped in fear.
So...many...mutants...There are hundreds of them! Each one more freakish and bigger than the other! How many are there?! This..This is too much. I started fighting harder and my muscles rapidly became
sore and tired. Even Ruby looks exhausted! I jumped to the roof of the hideout and pulled out my bow and some arrows. I started shooting as many wolves that entered as possible and by the time I was out of arrows I had killed at LEAST thirty wolves. Yet that didn't even put a dent in their population! "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" I yelled panting.
Who would hate a couple of people so much that they would waste half the freaking human population to create an army to kill us?! Suddenly loads of wolves, men and women poured out of the opposite edge of the woods and started attacking the mutants and easily doubled our kills in seconds. Then again, it was just us four against an entire population.
I looked in my arrow holder (A/N I dont remember the exact name right now) and saw I had one last arrow. I quickly pulled it out and carefully aimed it at the lady who started all of this. There she was still standing on that boulder smiling evilly. Well she won't be smiling much longer! Ha! I released the arrow but I had been shot in the shoulder.
"DAMNIT!" I yelled in pain. I looked at the arrow to see the shot had knocked it off course and it missed her by a few feet and instead hit the mystery man from earlier that said I was 'his'. "What the hell man?!" He yelled in pain.
He looked up and I quickly pulled my hood on so he wouldn't see my face. "It's you..." He mumbled smiling. "Why are you smiling dumbass I just shot you in the arm with an arrow." I laughed.
He shook his head still smiling, "My mate must REALLY hate me." He chuckled, "how cute! The mutt has a mate! Oi, what's her name?" I mocked him. "I don't know...She never told me..." He looked at me longingly for a few seconds before pulling out the arrow and continuing to fight but with one arm.
He really is an odd one isn't he? I slung my arrow holder across my shoulder where it would rest and I once more pulled my katana from it's scabbard. Alright, here goes nothing. I jumped off the roof and ran through the crowd killing as many mutants as I can.

The Assassin Mate
WerewolfI cocked my semi automatic and aimed it at the back of The Werewolf's head. I sucked in a sharp breath and tightened my finger on the trigger ready to pull but I was cut short when A load of other Mutts Poured into the Alley and I quickly hid behind...