I decided to reveal one of my chapters as a thank you

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GUYS!!! She actually likes me!! Now we're in a relationship and I'm so happy! She's felt the same way about me for the past two years! Thank you for your wonderful advice and as my thank you I decided to upload a chapter early.

"Good morning your highness, I hate to awaken you from your slumber.. but breakfast awaits!" Mathew chimed gleefully. I'm amazed how he can be so energetic at sooo early in the morning. This is a side I've only just begun to see of him, and I kind of like it compared to that stuck up ass

that greeted me in the hallway just a day or two ago. "But Mathew whyyyyyy it's like.. early." I groaned as I rolled back over in my bed. "Excuse me? You do realize it's elven o'clock right?" He laughed as he tapped on the alarm I hadn't noticed.
But I'll be damned! It was eleven! I've never slept in that late before.

"WHAT THE HELL WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?!" I squealed as I jumped out of bed. "You looked so peaceful?" He smirked. "Oh wow shut the hell up with that totaallly original pick up line.." I mock laughed at him.

He chuckled and stepped out of the room so I could change. He then closed the door and said through it, "Breakfast should be ready by the time you're downstairs. But if you take too long then it'll be cold, so try to be quick."

But then I realized..... I have nothing to change into. So instead I just freshened up and took off most of my gear such as the..weapon..empty.. holsters? My weapons had disappeared??? I don't remember un-arming myself before coming here.

So they must have snatched them when I wasn't paying attention. And instantly any slight emotion I had towards this hell hole instantly turned into nothing but pure anger. Because this was a sign that they did not trust me.

I threw the now useless and unarmed quiver, holsters, scabbard, and sheath against the nearest wall with all of my might creating a thundering smack. The wall was cracked and missing chunks of concrete board but that was honestly the least of my problems.

I need to get the hell out of this place because I'm not even supposed to be here. These assholes kidnapped me and expect us to be buddy ole pals. Well I think the fuck not. I'm grabbing my gear and rocketing my stubborn ass back to base.

I quickly took strides down the hallway and followed his scent down every corridor then down the stairs. Breakfast laid on a table as I approached his gently smiling face.
When I was within a two foot radius I could tell my murderous aura started to effect him. "Natash-" he started, but I immediately cut him off with a square punch in the jaw.

Not enough to dislocate it but enough to leave a nasty bruise. "Baby girl, what happened?" He asked delicately as he rubbed his tender jaw. "You happened you lousy piece of ignorant shit! I thought maybe there was a nicer side of you but you're still the same asshat that you've always been." I barked at him as he looked utterly confused. "My weapons dumbass." I snapped to give him a hint.

Remembrance instantly showed on his face, and then sorrow. "I'm sorry princess, but you're a hazard to my pack. I had to take the necessary safety precautions to protect them from any threat you hold.." he said sadly. "I didn't want to do it.. I really didn't.. but at the time you absolutely hated my guts and while I'm sure you couldn't kill me.. my pack was still at risk of your lashing." He bowed his head in shame. I felt no remorse though. I have nothing to do with him after all.

"I'm leaving and if you follow me then your pack really will be at risk." I said sharply. I headed toward the direction of the doors but two beefy men instantly stepped in the way of the entrance. Without care, I flung them out of my way and within seconds of me stepping through the door way I had at least fifteen men restraining me.

They injected me with some type of steroid and I instantly went numb in every part of my body. I couldn't move my eyes nor even twitch my nose. All I could do was see straight ahead of me and hear. "Thank you gentlemen...... please take her to a cell.. at least until she comes back to her senses.." Mathew stuttered in a barely audible tone.

I was lifted off of the ground and taken to what appeared to be a sound proof basement. I was put there and left alone in the death reeking cell with a flickering and dull led light. It looked almost like a murder movie scene.

The walls were made of concrete and the place looked extremely unsanitary. The floor was also concrete.. and it had dark dried blood stains and claw marks all over its cold surface. The bars were made of both wolfsbane and lightly rusted iron. I laid there unable to move, handcuffed to a wall with my feet in shackles on the freezing floor for what seemed like months.

- two month time skip-

I kept smacking my head against the wall against Mathew's quiet and tired pleas just waiting for my skull to bust open. He sat on the other side of the cell with his hands on the bars and tears streaming down his face.

Over the course of two months he had really begun to lose himself. He had stubble, dark bags under his eyes, messy hair which hadn't been tamed in a week, cold pale lips from dehydration and glazed eyes from pure exhaustion.

I bang my head on the wall because I know he can hear it. I may be in a soundproof basement but I know it gets into his head. I never go overboard with it, but sometimes I want to. At this point my uniform is ragged, My wrists and ankles are bruised from the tight chains, my hair is a mess, dirt smudges on my face from sleeping on dust and dirt covered floors, and I probably have similar circles under my eyes.

I feel no pity to see him in his state. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. He comes here everyday with food, and everyday, I kick it to the corner. I've endured much worse than a month without food because we assassins train ourselves for the absolute worse. We eat constantly to build up fat to lose when we go a while without food. This? This is nothing. It's a joke compared to what I've been through.

But I see his lonely face, and once in a blue moon I feel the urge to console him. But I don't because I hate him.
"SIR, THERE'S AN ATTACK!!" A guard screamed running down the stairs.


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