The return pt. 1

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I decided to change Ruby's cast character. I can't find anyone who fits her character well enough so just use your imagination. She has the curves of Nicki Minaj and the height of Lindsay Kay Hayward XI. Just imagine a really tall Nicki Minaj with different colored eyes.

"SIR, THERE'S AN ATTACK!!" A guard screamed running down the stairs. Mathew immediately snapped to attention and stood up. A feeling of nostalgia overwhelmed me as a cocky British accent shouted over the uproar outside.

"MARCO" screamed Ruby. "POLO" I shouted back as excitement polluted my mind. Mathew looked down at me with imploring eyes, "Natasha, please.. please don't do this princess" he whispered as he unlocked the door of my cell.

He then threw the rusted door open; it smacked against the wall with a clack. A wave of panic over came me as he scurried over to my form laying on the ground. But to my shock, he removed all of my restraints. Then, he pulled out a gun.

The gun I used the night we first met to be specific. He must've taken it along with the rest of my weaponry. In a swift and effortless motion he loaded the gun and put it in my hand.. then he pressed the barrel against his chest.

"Natasha... please. If I'm fighting a battle that I can't win then just have mercy on me and end it swiftly. I can't lose you.. I can't. You've tormented me since the day we met. If you truly want nothing to do with me then just end me now. I finally found my purpose for living and she clearly doesn't feel the same." By the end of his confession he was practically in tears as he pleaded on his knees, looking keenly into my eyes for any sign of remorse.

The ruckus outside had ceased and from the corner of my eye I could see Ruby standing at the bottom of the steps watching the scene unfold. "Do you need a minute?" Ruby's voice questioned gently in my head. "Please" I responded quietly. She nodded, plugged in earphones, and silently dived back into shadows of the dark staircase.

"Mathew.. I'm not going to shoot you-" "I thought killing was easy for you? You're an assassin for christ's sake. Just do it." He snapped like a hurt puppy. Mathew looked down at the floor and closed his eyes, waiting for relief. I felt a sharp pang in my heart as my finger slid away from the trigger.

I can't kill him, because the smallest part of me likes him. I placed my hand over his, which he held to secure my hand on the trigger. He looked up at me with his big teary eyes and I felt nothing bit guilt for making him feel this way.

He released my hand and I put the gun down. Then, I held his face gently with my hands placed on each side of
his jaw. He put his hands over mine, closed his eyes, and knit his eyebrows together in tender agony. I rested my forehead against his and scanned his every feature. From his magnificent jaw to his thick and arched eyebrows.

"Does this mean I-...we have a chance..?" He sighed and gripped my hands a little tighter, for the fear of me letting go. "I think so.." I trailed off nervously. He opened his eyes and looked at me intensely. His sapphire blue eyes are absolutely mesmerizing, it feels impossible to look away.

The need to further touch him started to grow in me like a fire, and before I could process what I'd done, my lips were pressed against his. I kissed him with so much need and I tried my hardest to show it. He moved his arms down and wrapped them around my waist, whilst mine wrapped themselves around his neck.

Our lips moved in sync as each touch got a little more passionate. A hungry wildfire grew everywhere he touched me and I wanted more. I didn't feel sparks or fireworks like you would in the movies. I felt a growing fire. We separated for air and he smiled. "You just did what I've been working up the guts to do since the night we met" he chuckled as a small
pink blush coated his cheeks.

I laughed and kissed his nose, then we both stood up. I took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, as we walked out the cell together. Ruby stepped back into the light and Mathew immediately became hostile. She pulled out her earphones and tucked them into her pocket. "Tasha, are you coming or staying? You seem to really like this guy." She smirked as she smacked on her bubblegum. I felt my face grow dark red.

"You were listening to my thoughts the whole time?!" I squealed as I covered my face. "A hungry wildfire grew everywhere he touched me and I wanted more" she recited in a dramatic tone. I glanced at Mathew to see his reaction, and found that he had the world's biggest grin plastered on his face. Ruby slapped her knee and laughed then tried to gain composure. "So are you coming?" She sniggered lightly. "Yes.." I said in a small voice.

I immediately felt Mathew's hand grip mine tightly and restrain my movement. I looked up at him reassuringly and put my other hand on his arm. "I'll be back, don't worry.." I whispered. He reluctantly let go of my hand and I followed Ruby up the steps. The fresh breeze filled my lungs and I finally realized just how muggy the air in the basement had been. We walked around the side of the house as Mathew trailed quietly behind us.

He grabbed the back of my shirt causing me to pause and turn to look at him. "When can I expect you back?" He asked in a serious tone. "As soon as I can manage." I smiled and pulled away. Ruby hopped onto her matte black motorcycle, turned it on, and revved the engine. I got on the back of her bike and waved goodbye. Percy walked up beside Mathew and gave me a big goofy wave like he was a little kid, so in return I waved to him too. Then we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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