Chapter 4

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Shadow's POV
I was so confused. I just sat there on the bed watching Sonic puke and listening to him cry, beg and plead for my forgiveness and say things that I didn't understand.


I knew yelling would only make things worse in his state. He seemed lost in another world! Almost like he was in some kind of trance or reliving a bad memory. I was lost. Completely and utterly confused and worse I had no idea to how to help him. He still didn't tell me what was wrong.

I just sat there helplessly on the side of the bed and watched him go through this. I had never felt to so useless in my entire life. There I was just watching as the most important thing in my life was having panic attack right before my eyes and I couldn't understand why.

I was pulled out of my thoughts though when I noticed that his screaming had abruptly stopped. As if someone had just clicked the mute button on his screams.

I shook my head trying to did myself of my thoughts and scooted closer to him. I panicked when I saw his eyes closed. I felt his neck for a pulse and sighed in relief when I found one. I had finally concluded that he just fainted due to all the screaming and panicking that caused his body to shut down.

I gently sat him back up and laid him down on the bed. I then proceed to clean the little mess on the carpet that he made previously.

Time Skip( hour and a half later)
Sonic's POV
Everything was hazy when I opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in my bed cuddled in my blankets. I looked at the floor. No puke. I looked outside. The sun was just about set for all I saw was an orange, red and yellow sky. I looked next to me Shadow wasn't there.

I began to get nervous. I sat up real quick but stood there for a while untill my dizziness went away. I then ran downstairs almost tripping down the last two and checked every room in the house looking for Shadow but found nothing but a bunch of empty room.

What happened? Did I tell him? Did he leave? Did I hurt him some way? Did I make him leave? Oh chaos I did make him leave didn't i?!? I have to find him!I can't be alone! Not in this condition!I'm not ready to be alone!

I then ran to the front door and tied my laces on my tennis shoes and opened door and bolted out not watching where I was going when~WHAM!! OUCH!!

Ouch! What the heck was that? I fell down and looked at what or who I had ran into. " Oh Sonikku hi, I wasn't expecting you to wake up so fast!" I recognized that voice right away and lunged forward and gave him a big hug.

Shadow's POV
I was unlocking the door getting ready to go inside coming back from my trip to the grocery store, when Sonic swung opened the door and rammed into me head on.

"Oh Sonikku hi, I wasn't expecting you to wake up so fast!" was all I was able to say before I was tackled in one of Sonic's strangling, death grip, bear hugs, swarming with alligator tears that he only gives me when he was worried about something.

"Sonic honey don't worry everything is all right I got more food!" I stroked his quills as I figured that's why he was crying.

"That's not the reason I'm crying! I thought I lost you!" He let go of my neck and whipped his tears away. "What are you taking about Sonikku I would never leave you!?!""Well I thought you did! When I woke up and saw you not there I thought I told you and you didn't want to be with me anymore!" He started to sniffle a little and I was hoping that he wasn't going to break down again.

" Sonic, number one I would never leave you no matter what the problem we are partners and we will get through our issues together as a team." He seemed to perk up a bit as I said this," and number two you thought you told me what?"

Sonic took a deep deep breath and then mumbled something under his breath. "What was that Sonic I didn't understand that last part," he did it again but this time all I heard was ' I am.....' come on Sonny how am I suppose to help you when I can't understand you I begged.

Sonic's POV
Well he had a good point. How was I suppose to get help if I I don't tell him what was wrong? So with that logic I took a deep breath, looked at him, closed my eyes and screamed at the top of my lungs........

"IM PREGNANT!!!" I did it! I finally did it! I told him my secret. I opened my eyes to look at him. He just sat there with his mouth agape and I began to sweat. I wonder what he's thinking right now?

Shadow's POV
Papa, Daddy, DaDa, Paps,Daddy'O the big D. All these names raced around my head as they all joined around in one spot and made me think of one word 'Father'. I'm gonna be a father.

I'm gonna be a father. I'm gonna be a father? I'm gonna be a father! IM GONNA BE A FATHER! The realization finally hit me. I jumped up from the ground and picked Sonic up and swung him around in circles till we both got dizzy.

I finally got control of myself and set him down. I didn't want to hurt the baby after all. Sonic was laughing the entire time and looked relived at my reaction.

All i could do was stare at him. A million questions were flying through my head at the moment. "How? How long have you know? Is it a boy or girl? What are we gonna name it? Are you hungry? Do you need to sit down? Are you tired? Do you want to lay down? Do you need anything? Here let me carry you back inside so you can sit down!"

Sonic's POV
I couldn't help but giggle as he picked me up and walked into the living room and sat me in the couch and continued asking his questions. "Does it hurt? Can you feel anything? Do you need something to drink? Is the couch to uncomfortable? I can go buy a new one it's no problem I just the keys! HEY WHERE ARE THEY!"

"SHADOW!" I yelled, he then stopped his frantic search and looked at me," Yes Sonikku?" " Honey first off we don't have a car so there won't be any car keys, second if we did we wouldn't them the couch is fine and it's very comfortable. Third take a deep breath, calm down, and ask me one question at a time. " the soft, calm tone of my voice finally made him calm down and sit.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth,"How?" Was the only thing that came out. "See now that's a question I can deal with and answer!" I chuckled and so did he.

"Ok so I have absolutely no idea how I am pregnant, but I do know that I have been for four weeks and it will be five tomorrow. I also know that I set up an appointment for tomorrow to go make sure it is healthy and try to find an answer of some sort and I hope that you will join me. You know how much I hate the doctors. And last I am fine. I'm just a little tired and out of breath from laughing at you. " I chuckled again "So do you have any other questions or did I answer them already?"

He just shook his head saying that I answered them all. " Good" I clapped my hands together and stood up which he quickly did the same," Now instead of sitting here chatting and staring at me how about we go pick our dinner up off the floor and prepare it I'm starving!" I said as I rubbed my tummy and licked my lips and walked to the front porch to pick up the groceries.

Shadow's POV
I chuckled as he walked off. 'Well he's still the same man I fell I love with that's for sure' I thought as I ran over to help pick up groceries and prepare supper.
----------------------------------------------Well there you go guys. Another thanksgiving sonadow chapter. I was to eager to write this chapter after I left you guys with that previous cliffhanger so I had to do it. Well I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to like, follow and leave a little comment if you want. Happy Thanksgiving guys!

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