Chapter 7

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Shadow's POV
I groaned," Uggghhhhh blasted sun why most you always disturb my slumber!" I hated mornings. The sun always shone directly in my eyes every morning from the position I had on my bed.

I turned on my other side in bed and was surprised to see Sonic sitting up just staring at me. His deep stare just seemed to go right through me as I returned his look and gazed into his tired emeralds.

I began to shiver from how long his little stare contest had lasted. I began to feel uncomfortable so I ended the silence," Ummmm, Honey are you alright?" He then blinked and his eyes regained their focus as he looked around the room.

Sonic's POV
I woke up early that morning, around four or so, after what happened last night I had trouble sleeping. I sat up with a sigh as the events that took place that night played over and over.

I began to regret all of the actions that I had made that night and noticed how stupid I was and how much I overreacted.

"How could I be so selfish?! Why didn't I just tell him? He is my husband and now also the father of my child! We made a vow a year ago that we would not keep anything from each other and I broke that vow! How are we suppose to live in happiness together if I can't trust him with my biggest secret?! I have to tell him! I just have to!"

"Uhhhh, Honey are you alright?" I heard as I realized that I was starring at my lover probably freaking him out.

I blinked my eyes and looked at the clock, 6:30,'Man I was thinking for a long time,' I thought to myself as I looked back over at my husband. It was his turn to stare at me as he waited for an answer from me.

"No," is all that I said as he sat up, looked down at my stomach and placed his hand on it and then looked back up with worry taking over his eyes. "What is the matter? Did something happen last night? Did he hurt you?"

I couldn't help but giggle at his concern as I cupped his cheek and he purred into my hand. I understood what was going through his mind and I placed my other hand on the one that was on top of my stomach.

I giggled again as I spoke," Oh dear don't worry that's not the problem. The baby is fine I promise." He seemed relived about that but then his relieved look turned into a confused one as he cocked his head and looked at me.

"If that's not the problem then what is?" I looked into his eyes and smirked. I just melted as he gave me that confused look with his head slightly cocked and his ears folded. I then shook out of my 'Shadow-trance' and answered his question. "Well hun to be honest I need to tell to you something."

I hung my head a bit trying to figure out where to start my story. "What is it dear, you can tell me anything," he reassures my confidence with his words as he scoots over and wraps me in one of his warm tender embraces. " Well first things first I would like to apologize for what I did last night. I put you and our child in danger just becasue I was to scared to tell you what was on my mind and I was to immature to figure out how to handle it in a mature way. I'm soooo sorry can you ever forgive me ."

He tightened his hug and kissed me deeply and passionately. "Does that answer your question love?" He smirked down at me with sparkling crimson eyes.

My tail thumped against the bed as I melted into his hug again and I breathed a sigh of relief. Alright Sonic you got this far no turning back now. I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Shadow I would like to tell you something that I have never told anyone before," I almost whimpered as painful memories began to seep back into my mind. "Oh and what is that Sonikku?" He asked putting his head on my shoulder.

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