Chapter 21

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Shadow's POV
When baby Mia( that's what i decided to call her I knew Sonic would like it) and I arrived home, everything seemed so different. Even with Mia and I here the house still seemed empty and lonely without Sonic here.

I fed Mia and put her to bed in her nursery crib. I then went to bed myself. I crawled into bed without even bothering to change into my pajamas, I just didn't feel like doing anything.

I laid there on the bed for what felt like hours staring at the empty space next to me. I reached my arm over and cuddled his pillow imagining it was his chest. His sweet smell still lingered on the pillow making it more realistic. Sleep was finally startrif to catch up to me as I mumbled "I will see you tomorrow Sonic I promise" before falling asleep.

I was awoke early the next morning by the sound of Mia crying. I groaned as I got up and walked down the hallway to her room and picked her up to feed her.

I held a bottle to her mouth expecting her to latch on and enjoy her breakfast, but when I put the bottle in her mouth she spit it back out and cried louder. "Huh what's the matter?" I said as I started to rock her in my arms.

She managed to stop crying for a minute and opened her eyes and looked up at me. She started to reach for something but I couldn't tell what until she grabbed it.

She reached for the necklace that I had gotten for me and Sonic and started playing with happily. I was confused at this. 'Why did my necklace make her stop crying?' I thought as I carried her back to Sonic and my bedroom.

I layer her next down next to me removing the necklace from her grasp as I did though. She started to cry again which surprised me.

I did everything possible I tried feeding her, I changed her even though she didn't need it, I trying to occupy her with her stuff teddy bear, I even bounced her up and down on my knee a couple of times but nothing seemed to work she just cried louder and louder every time.

I let out a sigh as I eventually have up and layered her down next to me. I leaned back and tried to relax when my head landed on something. I reached behind me and pulled it out.

It was a little plushie that I had from my childhood that looked surprisingly similar to Sonic. I held it in my hands and admired it when I noticed the crying had stopped. I looked over next to me and noticed Mia with her arms outstretched reaching for the doll.

I handed her the doll and she snatched it out of my hands and hugged it close to her cooing happily. "So I guess you miss Sonic even more then I do huh?" I chuckled as she spoke to me in her baby gibberish.

I grinned as I picked her up," Well let's go see mommy then, he will be very happy to see you I bet," Mia then clapped her hands and cooed happily as if she understood what I was saying and where we were going.

I took a quick bath, changed my and her clothes, packed a small bag with things that Mia would need and then chaos controlled to the hospital where Sonic was saying.

In a bright flash of chaos energy we appeared right in the middle of some kind of commotion. I pulled one of the forgot to the side and asked what was going on.

"Oh Mr.Shadow we're so glad your here we were just about to call you!" I looked at the doctor with a confused look as I asked what was wrong.

"Well what I mean sir and that sometime Sonic regained consciousness but when he did he went bizerk. He kept screaming for his children saying that they needed him. We tried to explain to him that only one managed to survive and you had her but he wouldn't listen to us. We were hoping that you would be able to reach him in this state."

I nodded my head in agreement and he sighed in relief then led me back to Sonic's room,'I'm coming Soniku' I thought to myself as we walked down the hallway.

We finally made it to the door to Sonic's room. I slowly opened the door and was greeted by a flower vase nearly hitting me in the head.

I examined the room to see where it came from and saw nurses and doctors cowering behind chairs and small tables trying to avoid getting hurt.

I looked at the bed and saw Sonic standing on top of it in his light blue hospital gown throwing things in all directions across the room. His quills were pointed in a upright position and they were colored a very dark blue.

"I.WANT.MY.BABIES!!!!" Sonic screamed as he began to chunk more dangerous things at the doctors. He picked up a scalpel and was about to throw it when I darted in. "Sonic stop please calm down! I have the baby see!" I then held Mia up in both of my hands so he could get a good look at her.

Mia was happily reaching her arms out and closing an opening her fists as if trying to grab Sonic. She cooed and giggled and wiggled in my hands as Sonic finally turned his head to look at her.

"My babies?!" He said as his quills turned backed to their normal shade of blue and he dropped the scalpel and ran over to his child.

He cradled her in his arms and sobbed as he hugged her. Mia was giggling and speaking with her baby gibberish as she began playing with his nose and laughing.

"Where is the other one Shads?" He asked with a shaky voice from all his screaming and now crying. I looked at him with a sad look and shook my head.

Sonic gasped and began to cry again holding Mia even closer into his chest. I pulled him into a warm embrace and let him sob into my chest fur.

I walked him over to the bed where we sat down and he continued to cry until he couldn't anymore. The doctors managed to sneak out and leave us alone.

He looked down at Mia and then back at me. "What happened exactly Shads," he said his voice was raspy and he sniffled as he spoke.

I waited till he calmed down a bit then I began to explain to him what happened. " Well your body wasn't prepared to give birth yet so when Mia came out she nearly brought everything with her. Therefore making things more difficult for the second baby. It got turned around as it was starting to come out and suffocated itself with it's own  inviolable cord. They had to preform a C-Section on you before any more damage came to your body and also had to operate on you to fix your insides." I finished and looked down at him. He hadn't looked up from Mia the entire time but I knew he was listening.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Sonic had somehow managed to get Mia to fall asleep in his arms. I guess Mia just needed her mom. Finally the silence broke when Sonic started chuckling. I looked at him and cocked my head "Mia?" He asked as he tilted hi head up and looked at me.

I scratched the back of my head in slight nervousness and embarassment," yeah i just thought of it I figured you would like but if you don't we can change it if you want I mean it was just an Idea we-" I was cut off by more of his chuckling "Shads stop worrying in love the name it's perfect!" He said as he cuddled Mia into his chest then did cuddled himself into mine.

I hugged his waste as he spoke with a very tired and raspy voice," I missed you so much Shads," he yawned as he fell asleep.

The doctor came in and saw that I managed to calm him down. He looked very pleased and happy as he admired us for a minute and then spoke. "Mr. Shadow he can go home tomorrow we just want to make sure he is fully well enough to leave before you go and your are welcome to stay as well."

I nodded to the doctor as to say thank you and that I heard him. He noises in response and then left us alone again.

I looked vacant Sonic and stroked his quills earning a deep purr from him. Sonic's comfort even made Mia purr. I smiled at this and put my head on Sonic's then dozed off myself.

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