Chapter 26( The Final Chapter...or is it?)

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Shadow's POV
'Today is the day! It's now or never! I have to do this! Not just for me, but for Sonic...for my family. He needs me there and I need him. I have to do this.'

My little pep talk to myself was enough to get me ready to face my boss. I was ready to ask for a little bit of time off, chaos knows I deserve it for all my hard work.

I started at my reflection in the mirror," You got this! You got this!" I repeated to myself as I grabbed leather jacket and stepped out the room and into the hallway.

'I am about to attempt the impossible!' I thought to myself as i walked with my head held high toward the commander's office.

The hallway seemed longer then it normally was, as I continued to walk down it. When I finally reached the door my conscience finally caught up to me. With a shaky fist I lifted my arm up to the door about knock when I halted myself, 'Wait...I'm about to attempt the impossible, no one in all the years that G.U.N has been here has ever succeeded in getting a day off, what makes me any different?'

I shook my head clearing those negative thoughts away and put my number one priority in my head, Sonic needs me and that's a good enough for me. Without giving myself any other time to think I knocked on the door and walked in without waiting for a reply.

"Commander I need to ask of you something that is very important and can not wait!" I said as I barged into the room and spoke sternly to the commander.

The commander was seated at his large oak desk, with his back and chair turned so all you could see was the back of his head and the black leather back of his chair.

He swiveled around once he heard me enter and looked at me and placed his elbows on his desk with his hands folded. "Aww Special Agent Shadow my most loyal and hard-working employee what is the favor that can not wait?"

His eyes had a strange glint to them as he spoke, which gave me a weird feeling but I pushed it aside as I explained the situation to him. " So you see commander, I really need to be by his side for these next few crucial months of his pregnancy so nothing like his first birth can happen again."

I stood there in front of his desk in silence and watched him think for a moment then return his gaze back to me. This time though when he retuned his gaze to me it was a lot more stern and serious looking. I nervously swallowed my saliva, as he opened his mouth to speak.

"That was a very touching and heart warming story you just explained to me Agent Shadow, it almost brought a tear to my eye..." He then leaned forward in his chair and placed both his heads firmly on the table.

"But the not so sad truth for me is, I don't care. Your so called husband has given birth before, so I am sure your sorry excuse for a companion is one hundred percent more experienced and qualified enough to handle the caring for this child. He does need you, there is really nothing you can did anyways besides sit and wait. So therefore Shadow the Hedgehog in response to your request my answer is no. Now good day and return to your duties." and then he turned back around in his chair like he was when I first entered.

I was in shock from his cruel response. Anger was starting to boiling inside of me from the cruel words that he had spoken about my mate, my lover, my husband, my soon to be mother of my son and already year old daughter. A dark red aurora began to surround me as I clenched my fists and looked down at the floor with my eyes closed. I opened my mouth to speak and all that came out was the word," No..."

"Excuse me what was that Agent Shadow?" He asked as he turned his chair back around and saw the state of anger I was in. He then reached for something under his desk then stopped moving once he succeed in doing what he was doing.

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