Chapter 18

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Narrator's POV
The room was pitch black and quiet...way to quiet. Not even the sounds of the outdoors made it's way into the secluded room.

Sonic sat in this room bounded by his chest, wrists, and ankles by a rope and mouth his cries for help were muffled by a bandanna tied around his muzzle.

He sat in the chair and just quickly sobbed to himself. 'Why? Why did this have to happen again? Why couldn't they just leave me alone? How did they survive in the first place? How did they find me? And most importantly where is Shadow?'

These questions along with too many others swirled around in Sonic's head as the feel of loneliness and helplessness crept up on his body.

He truly hated this feeling. He knew that if he truly wanted to he could easily use his strength and snap the ropes like it was nothing and then use his speed to escape then bing-bang-boom be right back in Shadow's arms.

He sighed at his stupidity though as he looked down at his bulging stomach. 'Huuuuh if only we waited just a tiny bit longer, I wouldn't be such a bother if we would have. I would be able to take care of myself more and not have to be so damn reliable on him. I mean I can't do anything anymore! I can't run, I can't lift heavy things, i can't walk without having to take breaks,I can't even reach things off the top shelf because my damn body won't allow it!

All I do is eat, sleep, puke, and sit around in pain all the time!I'M SICK OF IT!! How can Shadow handle me and all of this? I can't even handle myself! I just.... I just wish....*sigh* I just sometimes wish this whole thing never happened.

I'm not ready to be a parent and I don't want Shadow to have to do everything for me anymore. Maybe... Just maybe... Shadow won't find me and then my 'parents' will work me so hard that I have a miscarriage or something and not have to worry about being a mother yet?'

Sonic sat there lost in thought and continued to sob this time louder to himself as he mentally cursed and beat himself for those thoughts.

'What am I thinking?! How could I be so selfish?! This isn't this just my kid, it's Shadow's too! I can't just take away something as precious as a life! And the way Shadow's face looked when I told him I was pregnant.... He was so happy..... I don't think I've ever seen him so happy in my life.... Besides the day that we married but this is different. I can't take his child away. I will find a way to escape and I and our child will return to Shadow unharmed and live a happy life.

Sonic lifted his head up and shook away the tears. He stared into the darkness, his emerald eyes blazing in furry and determination. He knew what he had to do but he had to be careful on how he did it to not harm his little one. So it was then using the whits that he still possessed tag not even his pregnancy could take away, he started thinking of a plan.

Shadow's POV
I followed the drag marks that Sonic created with his feet. My sound was still on fire. My fists clenched with rage, my heart thumping like a fierce drum playing a song as I march into battle, my eyes burning with angry tears that I struggle to hold back, my mind throbbing with questions on why Sonic and I can't go a few months without someone always trying to kidnap Sonic him or take their revenge on him.

Was it just the fact that everyone was just jealous that Sonic just so happened to choose me over everyone else that ever wanted him? If that's the case then this is just plain childish and they all needed to get a life.

And for CHAOS SAKE can't they even see that the poor guy is expecting a child?! Why don't they see this and just leave us alone until after it is born I mean come on that is just ridiculous and insensitive!

The tracks came to an abrupt stop right in the middle of the deepest, darkest, creepiest part of the forest.

I scratched my head in confusement and looked around.  I felt slow as I turned my head and saw a run down wooden cabin similar to the burned down one Scourge took Sonic to before. 'How ironic don't yah think-_-?' I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and walked over to the cabin.

Sonic's POV
I was lost in thought as I tried to run through my plan in my head. I had thought out every possible detail and outcome and thought I had came up the with perfect plan until I realized that I had  completely and utterly forgot the most important part of my plan.... how to get out of this chair.

My question was answered unexpectedly by the door slamming open. "Hello sweetie ready to have the worst time of your miserable pathetic life?" My 'mom' said and just like that my plan flew out the freaking window and my heart dropped to my knees.

I was literally shaking from head to toe as she walked to the chair, untied me and then put the color and leash back on me and dragged me down the hallway to chaos knows where!

Shadow's POV
I felt like a creeper as I snuck over to the cabin. I was snooping around trying to find an entrance or some sign that would help figure out where Sonic was.

And as if on cue a light flicked on from behind the house. I snuck back there and hid myself in some near by bushes. I watched as the worn, wooden back door swung open making me jump as it hit the side of the house.

And my heart almost skipped a beat when I saw who emerged from inside. precious free spirited lover, was being dragged against his will by a leather leash and color not even putting up a fight. He looked broken. Like all the life has just left his body leaving nothin but a baby and tarnished soul.

His emerald eyes that's once glistened and twinkled like the star in the night sky were now dull and lifeless. His radiant, well kept, cobalt blue fir that once shown and reflected the sunlight now had a grayish scruffy unkept look to it.

His sassy, cocky amusing walk he did when he looked at me and sashayed and luscious curvy hips making me drool and love him so more was replaced now with his body slumped so low down to the ground that his knuckles would have scraped against the ground if it wasn't for his large stomach keeping him from going any farther.

It seemed like the only purpose he had now was the only thing he made obvious. He walked with his arms folded carefully over his stomach to see that no matter what he went through his baby wouldn't see any harm.

My heart dropped with a splat on the ground as I noticed a small shed like thing had it's door swung open and a large male hedgehog with yellow eyes stood there waiting with a whip and handcuffs  in one hand and salt and a ball gag in the other.

I was frozen. I truly was. I had absolutely never seen Sonic so down and depressed. He looked like he had no spirt and really no longer a desire to fight back. He saw the man and just folded his ears back tight on his head and clutched his stomach tightly  just seeming to get ready to accept whatever punishment was awaiting him.

I ,on the other hand, was not going to wait around and wait to see chaos knows what those strangers were going to do to my precious Sonic. I then sprang into action from behind the bushes hitting them with everything I had and more.

I then scooped up Sonic in my arms and ran far away. I looked at him as we ran. "Sonic in had enough of this! I'm taking us somewhere where none of those type of people will find us again!"

Sonic's POV
I was completely and utterly confused at Shadow's statement. What did he mean where no one would ever find us? I didn't ask though I just barried my face in his fur and clutched my fist to his chest as he bolted at the sped of sound out of the forest.

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