Chapter 8

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Narrator's POV
Sonic squeezed Shadow's hand as the couple sat in the waiting room of the hospital. It was finally time for Sonic's appointment to see the doctor and the more he thought about being in the hospital the more nervous he became. He squeezed Shadow's hand tighter as he saw a couple walk out of the doctor's office.

"Sonic honey could you loosen your grip a little?" Sonic didn't notice that he had such a death grip on his husband's hand.

"Oops sorry love!" he retracted his hand and folded them together in his lap and quickly turned his head to stare at the floor. Shadow noticed his behavior and became curious.  

"Sonic, darling, are you alright?"  "Hmm? Oh of course dear just a little nervous is all," he said as he began to fidget in his seat.

Shadow did not like seeing his husband in such discomfort, so he leaned over and placed an arm around Sonic's waist pulling him closer to himself. He then began to stroke his quills as Sonic laid his head on his chest fur and began to finally calmed down a bit.

Sonic was lost in a world of comfort. His head was snug in his lovers chest, while his fingers trailed through the silky goodness that ran flawlessly through every strand of hair.

He purred as his husband's hand expertly rubbed his quills causing him to relieve his tension. He inhaled deeply and savored the sweet scent of his husband. He always had such a unique sent of the outdoors but also a hint of wintergreen mint.

Sonic was completely at ease, he began to purr as to show Shadow how pleased he was. He almost forgot where he was until he heard the door open and young female nurse call his name.

Shadow's POV
"Sonic the Hedgehog?" the nurse said as she poked her head out the door. I turned my head to look at her and turned back around once I felt Sonic tense and stop purring.

His face was turned in a worried grimace as he began to wince when he heard his name again.

I lowered my ears and growled under my breath,' Ugh and I just got him calmed down to,' I growled inside my mind. I then began to slowly stand and speak to him to try to convince him to go see the doctor.

Sonic's POV
I began to get nervous and a little scared as I began to feel Shadow stir underneath me. I heard my name being called again and winced, I didn't want to go in there. I don't know why but I have always hated doctor offices.

" Honey it's time to go, get up before they call us a no-show and we don't get to check on our baby," Shadow words sunk in my ears as they perked up to what he said and I just about bolted upwards,

"What no way they can't do that I want to see our baby!" I yelled to him and then quickly grabbed his arm and then bolted for the door to the doctor's room.

Shadow's POV
'Well that certainly got his attention,' I thought as he dragged me into the room, nearly pulling my arm out if socket, where he will be doing the tests.

The nurse sat Sonic down on a funny bed looking thing and told him to relax and that the doctor would be here soon. I thanked her as Sonic sat down and grabbed my hand.

"Well we're finally here!" Sonic said as he looked at me with a mixture of worry and eagerness in his eyes. I didn't ask what was wrong because I already knew.

Sonic was nervous because he had a fear of hospitals for some reason, and I'm quite sure he wasn't to good with the idea that another man/women( besides me) was gonna be touching him on the area where our unborn child is.

As for eagerness I understood that also, because i felt the same way. He wanted to see his new son/daughter as I much as I did possibly maybe even more if that was possible.

Something on the other hand though, told me that if Sonic got to excited then something could happen to the baby so I tried my best to calm him down with my soothing words and it worked.

The doctor finally arrived a few minutes  later. She was a female brown and white dog and she carried a clipboard with her, I guess to take notes about Sonic and the baby with.

"Hello my name is Dr. Harrison and I will be the one performing your sonogram today," she said calmly and sweet like as she placed the clipboard on a small table next to the bed Sonic was on and then turned to walk over to us.

Sonic didn't approve with the fact that he was about to be touched by her and showed it without any hesitation. I just sat down and watched the show not knowing what else I could do.

Sonic's POV
I squirmed and wiggled and twitched and struggled around as Dr. Harrison tired to get me to lay down. " Sir please if you don't lay down then you and your husband won't be able to see the baby," she said as calmly as possible.

I eventually gave in, I did want to see my child so I laid down and glanced over at Shadow who was just sitting in a chair watching and waiting in anticipation for me to settle down so he could see the baby.

I turned my head back around just as I felt an unknown, cold substance make it's presence know on my lower abdomen. I hissed and retracted my body in a protective motherly sort of way, I suppose. I was not going to allow this women to get close to my child. She was a stranger and I did not like the idea of a stranger handling my child.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them as I barried my head in the hole at the top. I heard footsteps approach me as I did so.

Shadow's POV
I began to feel agitated as I seen Sonic's signs of distress and discomfort. Did this doctor even know what she was doing? After all  if she couldn't handle a little pregnant hedgie then why did she have the job in the first place?

I got sick of it and walked over to my sniffling and shaking  love and stroked his quills and held him in my arms. He calmed down and began to purr again at my touch. Doctor Harrison noticed this and walked forward.

"Excuse me but I've been wondering, would you like to assist me in checking on the health of your child?" I looked up from Sonic and gave her a confused look.

She chucked and began to explain," Sonic is not the first expectant mother or father to not allow me touch them. This is just a natural instinct that they produce, they fell like they have to protect their unborn child at all costs, but since he trusts you and lets you touch him then I'm pretty sure he would allow you to do the procedure to check up on the baby," she concluded and held out a pair of rubber gloves.

I looked at the doctor and then at Sonic and then at the machine and then back at Sonic. He just gazed at me with an expectant glare as if to so 'say go ahead I'm cool with that' I chuckled at this and nodded my head at him in response.

I turned back to Dr. Harrison and took the gloves and slid them on. I then waited for Sonic to uncoil himself and lay back down as i warned him for before I placed another layer of the thick gooey substance on his lower stomach.

Dr. Harrison then handed me some sort of scanner and told me where to place it on his stomach. Then with the help of the doctor I searched for our child till I found it.

My tail started to wag as I looked at the little being inside of my husband's stomach. I heard a thumping sound and turned my head noticing that Sonic's tail was going ninety to nothing.

I smiled as I grabbed his hand and held it tight. "Shadow that's our baby!" Sonic squealed as he looked at the screen then back at me then back at the screen.

Dr. Harrison then walked over to Sonic smiling with a little envelope in her hand and gave it to Sonic. Sonic took looking confused and opened it. Inside was a schedule of when Sonic would have to revisit her for check-ups and a picture of the baby.

He smiled warmly as he held the picture to his chest and slowly stood up and walked out of the room. I was about to leave myself when Dr. Harrison grabbed my shoulder and made me stop.

"You'll need this trust me all beginners do," she said as she handed me a book that said First Moms. "Thanks," I said before I ran after him out of the hospital and disposing the rubber gloves.

I held his hand as i listened to him go on and on about the baby as we started our journey home from the hospital.

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