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Surprise, surprise! Althea lives! 

I know some of you were thinking that I'm such a horrible writer because chapter 24, the chapter which all of you were thinking was the last chapter, was absolutely crap. haha So let me explain everything to all of you my lovely readers...

Actually, this chapter contains the real ending of When in Paris. This chapter has been posted long ago but the problem was it had syncing problems because I was using the app in my phone. As a result, the chapter posted was the fanfic version of the story which I wrote ages ago. I wasn't able to notice it for a couple of weeks and when I did, I had to take it down and rewrite the whole epilogue.

So without further ado, I present to the real epilogue!I hope you'll enjoy it. x


"Nathan! What are you doing?" Cathreese laughed as she was scooped up into Nathan's strong arms, blinded by the bandana he had tied around her eyes. "Put me down." "No," he began to walk and she felt them leaving his childhood home.

She had been sitting on the couch when he snuck up behind her and hidden her eyes. He carried her out to his car, gently setting her down in the passenger's seat before moving around to the driver's side. Cathreese tried to slip off the blindfold but Nathan smacked at her hand, making a disapproving noise as he started the car. They drove around for what seemed like forever, going in circles and making random turns as Nathan tried to confuse his girlfriend.

"Nathan where are we going?"

"Here." Cathreese felt the car come to a stop and Nathan shut it off. A deep shuttering breath racked his body before he exited the car and cradled her in his arms once again. Cathreese slipped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest as his chin dipped down to settle on top of her unruly red curls. She felt them moving out of the weak Parisian sun and into a shady area, which she assumed was caused by a stand of trees.

Cathreese could feel Nathan shaking against her, his breathing uneven and his heart hammering wildly in his chest.

"Nathan, are you okay?" she struggled to remove the fabric blocking her eyes, growing worried about her boyfriend. He was acting weird. "I'm fine, stop it." His lips dipped down to hers and she stopped struggling as she kissed him back happily.

Three years they had been together, yet his kisses still felt like the first time. "I'm going to put you down now, all right? Don't remove the bandana until I tell you." Cathreese nodded against his chest as he gently settled her onto an unstable seat. She reached out and wrapped her hands around the rope of a swing. That's when she knew they were in the graveyard by her aunt's house.

"Okay you can look," Nathan's nervous voice sounded from somewhere in front of her. Cathreese slowly removed the bondage covering her eyes, hoping her instincts were correct.

They were. Nathan was down on one knee in front of her, his hands shaking as he held out a small velveteen ring box. "R-Ree?" his voice cracked and a hint of color played up his perfect cheeks. His eyes were filled with nervousness and he was biting his lip slightly as he stared at her.

"Will you, will you..." he stopped and licked his lips.

"Will you marry me?" His eyes flooded with hope as he looked up at her, tears beginning to fill Cathreese's green eyes. She didn't answer, throwing herself off the swing and wrapping her arms tightly around Nathan. He tumbled over backwards onto the grass of the old graveyard as she pushed her lips to his. His arms went up to encircle her waist and their legs tangled together as Cathreese's tears spilled onto Nathan's cheeks.

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