(21) Twenty-one

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Chapter 21

“They say that on a clear day, you can see five different counties from up here.” Nathan swung the video camera so that it took in Cathreese’s flushed face. “This is one of the highest points in Orleans.”

Cathreese gave the camera a small wave and tried to stop her heavy breathing. She sucked at walking up hills. Nathan, on the other hand, was bouncing around as if he had been born to climb mountains. Even with the cold air wrapping itself around her, Cathreese had a thin sheen of sweat covering her body and an aching in her throat. Nathan wasn’t even remotely out of breath even though he had spent the first twenty minutes of their walk chatting happily to his camera and filling it in on what they had been up to.

“Come on Ree Ree,” Nathan waved his arms above his head, calling to her from the crest of the next hill. “We’re almost halfway there.”

“I’m just looking at the scenery,” Cathreese yelled back, using the slopping hills and choppy waves as an excuse to catch her breath. She pulled her camera out of the front pocket of her backpack and snapped a few shots of the Atlantic Ocean. Small white sheep dotted the hills that dropped towards the sea and she zoomed in, capturing the resting animals as her breathing returned to normal. Cathreese turned back to the road and took a picture of Nathan on the top of the hill. He was looking out over the sea, his head turned in profile and a slight smile on his face. A weak breeze ruffled the hair on his head and bit at his pink cheeks. Cathreese couldn’t believe that he was actually hers.

“Are you coming babe?  They’re selling ice cream up there and I’m hungry.” Nathan rubbed his hand over his tummy and gave her a smile that caused the gorgeous scenery to pale in comparison.

“Be right there,” Cathreese shoved her camera back in her bag and took off after Natham, slipping her hand into his when she finally reached him.

“See,” he pointed to the trailer in the parking lot, “we can get ice cream. And then we have to hike up there.” He indicated a rock path that lead up a small mountain, “If we were intense we could do that other path, but I think that one still counts.” Nathan planted a quick kiss on her nose, “You look pretty with your cheeks all flushed like that.”

Cathreese had always been awkward with compliments. She was never sure if she should just say thank you or if she should compliment the person back. She was still unsure of how to react and Nathan must have seen the confusion on her face.

“You don’t have to say anything Ree. I like to compliment you.” He pulled her towards the ice cream stand, “What kind of ice cream do you want?”

“Ummm, vanilla.” Cathreese looked around as Nathan placed their order. They were on the top of a hill that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean and all around them people talked and laughed at picnic tables. A blonde girl posed on a large rock next to the parking lot as her sister complained and her mom snapped a picture. Cathreese wandered towards them, making her way over to the wooden fence that separated the tourists from the rolling sea. She propped her elbows up and took a few more pictures of the scenery, wanting to remember every detail of the trip.

“Here you go Ree-Ree” Nathan wandered over and held out an ice cream cone. A piece of chocolate stuck out of the side of the soft vanilla ice cream.

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