(20) Twenty

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Chapter 20

“Good morning love.”

CAthreese opened her eyes to see Nathan hovering above her, the whispers of sleep in his voice and the stars of dreams still in his eyes. “Hey Natey.”

He leaned over and planted a quick kiss on her mouth then hopped off the bed. Cathreese rolled over and shut her eyes, wrapping the tangled sheets around her body as she felt herself drifting back towards sleep. She had just fallen into the limbo between the dream world and the real world when she felt a hand close around her ankle. The next thing she knew she was on the floor.

“Why did you do that Nathan?” she murmured, not bothering to open her eyes. Cathreese didn’t need a bed to sleep, the floor would do just fine.

“Wake up Ree Ree. We’ve got places to go, people to see.”

“All I’m interested in seeing is the inside of my eyelids,” Cathreese reached a hand up and felt towards the bed, snagging a pillow and bringing it down to the floor. “You kept me up all night.”

The pillow was wrenched from her grasp and she sensed more than heard Nathan lay down next to her. “How did I keep you up?”

Cathreese cracked an eye and saw Nathan’s bright blue gaze about an inch in front of her face, “You talk in your sleep.”

“What did I say?” his breath tickled her lips and Cathreese was overcome with the sudden desire to kiss him. So she did just that.

Nathan took to this idea whole heartedly and Cathreese found herself pinned underneath his skinny body seconds later. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he trailed kisses all over her face, coming back to her lips every so often.

He was moving down to her neck when she started to giggle. Nathan scrunched his nose adorably as he gave her a weird look, “Everything alright Ree Ree?”

“Sorry I’m really ticklish,” CAthreese blushed. Caiden had tried the same thing with similar results, but he had just looked angry and then stopped making out with her, telling her that she had ruined the mood. It happened all the time and eventually Caiden just stopped trying. She really hoped Nathan wouldn’t react that way.

“You’re ticklish?” Nathan’s eyes sparked playfully and he moved quickly, sitting on her legs and bringing his hands to her stomach. “Ticklish girls are so cute,” he teased as she began to squeal with laughter.

“Stop Nathan, please stop.” Cathreese kicked her legs, twisting and turning as she tried to avoid his nimble fingers. Nathan wouldn’t listen to her and he continued to tickle her until her sides ached from laughing and she felt like she was being torn apart from the inside. “Please,” she gasped, “stop!”

A banging came on the door, “What are you two doing in there? If you’re naked there is going to be some serious trouble.”

Cathreese tried to hold in her laughter as Nathan’s eyes widened with surprise at his grandmother’s voice. The door flew open and she stood in the doorway, all five feet two inches of her quivering with suppressed anger. “Get up, you two. Right now,” she shook a wooden spoon at them. “Nearly gave me a heart attack you did with all that noise coming from here. Thought you were doing the dirty. Now come along, breakfast is ready.” She stomped out of the room and CAthreese waited until the door at closed behind her before she broke into hysterics.

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