(7) Seven

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Chapter 7 

Cathreese fixed her glossy ringlets in the mirror one last time, finally satisfied with the way they cascaded over her shoulder. She was dressed in her cutest attempt at an adventure worthy outfit, which consisted of a red, black, and white plaid top unbuttoned over a tight white cami, dark wash denim short shorts, and a pair of black Converse. The only other shoes she had were flip-flops and something told her they weren’t right for this trip. So the Converse it was.

She hitched her overstuffed brown khaki knapsack over her shoulder and stumbled out the door. Even the fact her favorite pair of worn in skinny jeans were settled neatly in the bag on her back wasn’t enough to comfort her. Cathreese could change her mind, all she had to do was turn around and step back into the kitchen. The only thing standing between her and normalcy was a tattered screen door missing its lock. She didn’t have to take the winding path through the trees to where Nathan waited. But she knew she would.

Armed with only her backpack, three spare outfits, a camera, a diary, and less than 500 euros, Cathreese took the steps that would lead her to discoveries far greater than she ever imagined. Five steps and the shade of the trees fell over her, five more and she could no longer see her aunt’s house when she turned around. The dark hush of the forest muffled her steps and the wild beating of her heart. Five more steps and she saw him.

The last five brought her straight into Nathan’s waiting arms.



Phoebe – you will NOT believe what is going on. Go ahead guess. Nope you’re wrong. Guess again. Wrong again. How do I know? BECAUSE NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD YOU EXPECT SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME.

Know where I am? No I’m not living in my aunt’s spare bedroom like I’m supposed to. I’m in Paris. Okay that doesn’t sound very exciting, but how does this sound? I’M WITH NATHAN. Yup, my cousin’s ex-boyfriend. If she finds out about this I guarantee I don’t make it back to aun't house alive.

Nathan decided that as a French citizen, it was his duty to see everything his country had to offer. So we are on an adventure.




We’re starting in Paris but over the duration of the summer we will make our way across the entire country or maybe beyond France. Nathan didn’t map anything out because he wants it to be spontaneous. Like get on a random bus and see where we end up spontaneous.

Like separate from the tour group for the fun of exploration spontaneous. (We haven’t done either of those things but since I’m new to the whole spontaneous thing this is what my mind has decided defines spontaneity). Actually all we’ve done so far is take a cab in Paris and drop our bags at his cousin’s house (which is where I’m writing to you from). Nathan is eating lunch right now and then he said we could go into the city. I’m not hungry; I think it’s the stress of all this not knowing. Anyway, you told me to go to Paris and live a little. You said to meet a cute boy. Well this is the start of the greatest adventure of my life.

I’m scared, but I’m also really, really excited. Like jump up and down excited. I’ve never done anything remotely like this. Maybe when this is all over with, I’ll be a little more like you and a little less like me. I don’t know if you were aware of it Phoebe, but I’ve always envied you and the way you are never afraid of anything. You are always looking for an adventure, always up for anything that would get your heart beating. I prefer to know what’s coming, to be able to prepare and make notecards and perhaps a highlighted outline if there’s time.(BTW you can just toss that dos and don’ts of LA list I made you in the trash) I don’t just do things just to, well, do them. With me, I need a purpose. With you, you just need a starting point. For you, the adventures are endless. For me, I never thought there would actually be one.

And now here I am, in a cramped apartment with a beautiful boy, four outfits, and no money. If that’s not an adventure then I don’t know what is.

Next time I speak to you I hope to have accomplished what you have always told me I’m missing out on: life. As the old saying goes “life’s not about the breaths you take but the moment’s that take your breath away.”

And I’m about to have my breath stolen a million times over.

Love you more than you could ever know, your newly adventurous best gal

Cathreese x


PPS Wow I sound like a hormone crazed teenager. You would think I never saw a boy before in my life, let alone dated one for 3 years. But with Nathan it was so different than with Caiden. Caiden was safe, Caiden was known, Caiden was expected. But Nathan? Nathan is my cousin’s ex who she’s obviously still in love with. Nathan is a boy I’ve known for a combined total of less than 3 hours. Nathan is foreign. Nathan smells like rain, grass, and a hint of peppermint. Nathan told me I was pretty. Nathan gave me a nickname (Ree, though not really sure why he picked it). Nathan is taking me on an adventure. Nathan said there is no point to living if you never actually live. Nathan started a chorus on the train and we sang the never ending song all the way from Normandy to Paris.

Nathan told me that every rose has its thorns, but that’s because the beautiful flower deserves that sort of protection.

Nathan told me he’d be my thorn.


Author's Note: Give it a like guys? :) 

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