(3) Three

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Chapter 3

Phoebe – you would not believe this place. The scenery is beyond incredible, it’s even greener than I expected. Paris doesn’t begin to cover it. It’s stunning.

 And okay, now that we’ve got the boring (in your mind) stuff out of the way, I will answer the question I know you are dying to hear.

So yes, I did meet a cute guy. I know you told me to keep my mind open about boys and to have a summer romance that will erase all memories of Caiden, but I don’t think I can do it. I remember exactly what you said, that the first boy who approaches me will be the one I should have a fling with. Too bad this boy happens to be my cousin’s ex. You won’t believe what’s going on here, it’s like those soap operas we like to watch when no one’s around. For the first time I actually understood the saying about the tension being so thick you could cut it with a knife. Most awkward car ride of my life.

 So here’s what happened.

 I was at the airport waiting for my aunt cause she was late and this guy came up to me, bla bla bla. Anyway I was rude to him but he came back and he called me pretty and I think he was gonna offer to be my tour guide when my aunt finally arrived. Then we were all huggy huggy, but Kylie wouldn’t hug me back. Again another saying I finally understand, if looks could kill Nathaniel would have been dead meat (Nathaniel’s the guy, ironic that Nathaniel is my favorite boy name) but Aunt Olivia was oblivious her daughter’s hate daggers. She was all ‘Nathan we missed you sweetie, come visit’ and he was like ‘will do’ and then she offered him a ride. At this point Ky looked like she was about to explode. So we’re all in the car and Aunt Olivia is trying to make conversation and she asked Nathaniel why he was at the airport. And Ky says, and I quote, ‘hitting on unsuspecting tourists like he does every weekend.’ Now whatever part of me was starting to like him just totally died. Obviously he didn’t actually like me; he must call every teenage girl that comes through pretty. But when he said that’s not why he was at the airport he seemed so sincere, so honest, that I kinda felt bad for him. After we dropped him off Aunt Olivia stuck up for him in front of Kylie and Ky finally exploded. She freaked out and screamed about how he cheated on her every weekend for two years and now her and Aunt Olivia aren’t talking cause Ky accused her of taking Nathaniel’s side. Ky’s locked in her room, which is right next to mine, and I can hear her crying through the walls. Aunt Olivia’s making tea or something to calm her nerves and I’m in my room. I don’t want to get in the middle of this, I mean, it’s none of my business. But it’s gonna be so awkward at dinner if they aren’t talking. And as for Nathaniel, well there was just something about him that made me want to believe him with all my heart. He just looked so honest, so open, so innocent, not at all like someone who cheats on their girlfriend with random air travelers. And when Aunt Olivia stood up for him I started doubting that he cheated on Ky even more cause if there’s one thing I know about my aunt it’s that she hates a fight. She will only say something controversial if she really truly believes it to be the right thing. She wouldn’t have told Ky to give Nathaniel another chance if she didn’t think he actually deserved one.

 Anyway none of this is my business and I doubt I’ll ever see Nathaniel again so I’m just gonna say that he was cute and seemed nice. I’m not going to get to know him any better than that. I’m here to relax and just enjoy myself, so I decided to take things into my own hands. Sorry Phoebs, but I don’t want to have a summer fling. So thanks for your advice, but from this moment until I set foot back on American soil, I am on a boy fast. Bye bye boys.

 Love you like a sis – Cathreese M.

PS I wanna know all about LA. Drop me an email as soon as you can. 



And I hit send.


Cathreese pulled the curtains over to block out the moonlight streaming through the window and switched off the lights before jumping into bed. She had just gotten comfortable under the covers when a ding came from her computer, which was sitting on a small table in the far corner of her room. She sighed but got up to go see what it was. An IM message from NRichards93 had appeared on her screen and she looked at in confusion, sinking into the wooden chair that was painted the same clean shade of white as the table. She had no idea who that was or how they were IMing her. She read the text that appeared on her screen.

Hi Cathreese, it’s Nathan. Please don’t log out.

Cathreese sat back and waited for his next message to pop up.

I’m sorry for making your first day in Paris terrible. I bet you believe Kylie, about the cheating thing, because I was flirting with you. But I didn’t do it, I swear.

It took a few more minutes before he typed again.

You’re only the second girl I’ve ever talked to at the airport. The first one is the reason Kylie thought I was cheating on her. It was a misunderstanding; I don’t really want to talk about it.

It seemed more like he was talking to himself then he was Cathreese.

I didn’t have to type that, it’s not like you’re reading this and asking me about what happened. It was a mistake, it was all a mistake. She saw me buying a girl ice cream and then we hugged. I don’t even know the girl’s name. Why did I tell you that?  I just said I didn’t want to talk about it. Can I delete that before you see it, since you’re probably asleep? Oh well, it’s there now. I won’t tell you why I was buying her the ice cream. If I told you the reason I was buying her ice cream then I would have to tell you why I’m at the airport all the time and that’s a secret. That’s why Kylie doesn’t believe I wasn’t cheating, because I won’t tell her why I’m really there all the time.

Anyway I just wanted to say that I don’t go to the airport to flirt with random girls and I didn’t want you to think that I was a player or something. I went over to you because there was something about you that I felt drawn to. I don’t know how to explain it but I just really wanted to know you. I wanted to hear you talk, to see you smile.

Sorry I’m babbling. Umm anyway what I’m trying to say is sorry. And I hope that you’ll give me another chance, even if your cousin won’t. I really want to be your friend. If you want to stay away from me because it will make things awkward with Kylie then I understand. But either way, I just wanted you to know that you aren’t another name on a long list of girls I’ve complimented at the airport. You’re the only one and I meant what I said. You probably think I’m weird and crazy and insane and stuff but I’m not, I swear. Thanks for not logging out. Well actually I think you’re asleep, so you can’t log out, but you’ll probably see this in the morning. So good morning, hope your second day is better than your first.

With that, he logged out and Cathreese was left staring at the computer screen, not sure what to think about his confessions. It was too much to deal with at the moment; her jet lag was scrambling her brain. She snapped her laptop shut and dropped back into bed. Cathreese was asleep within minutes, her brain dancing with images of Nathan, her cousin’s angry face, and a small brown haired girl with pigtails and Nathan’s eyes.


Author's Note: How's everyone's holidays going so far? :) Vote and comment please. xx

- C o o k i e

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