chapter 1 the gun shot

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Hello ok so hope you have seen sams videos or you will have no idea what's going on that said let's continue

Grians POV
We where walking to the police station to tell Pete how the job went.

Well, to lie about how the job went

We could never tell him or yuki that we kill the yakuza boss

If Pete found out well get thrown in jail but if yuki found out she'll kill us for killing her dad.

I sighed of Sam and tourtus where arguing about what we were going to say

"we can't tell him that we killed Mr yakuza and don't even think of telling yuki she'll kill us all" Sam yelled

"but he was my papa I have to tell. I'm testifying against you three"

"you where an accomplish you'll go to jail to"

"I tried to stop you he was my dad"

"tourtus for the last time he's not your dad he was only messing with your head. I've met your dad and that's not him" I yelled. He has such daddy problems


"no buts tourtus like grian said his not your dad. If I point my gun at you will you understand then" Sam was serious

"oh yeah! What if I point my gun at you Hu?"

Me and Paul hid behind a building. We knew how powerful his gun is. Normally you need to shoot someone 4 times before they're close to death but with tourtus it takes I shot then bam you're dead

"put you gun away tourtus it's to powerful"

"no its not"

"YES IT IS NOW PUT IT DOWN" I screamed but that was a bad idea.

He pointed the gun at my head "don't tell me what to d-"


Everything was blurred I could hardly stand or understand what anyone was saying. I fell to the ground bearley awake.

I was just glad to be alive being shot with a gun like that in the head

I touched my forehead with a shaky hand to feel the damage.

It was bad.

After what felt like an eternity I could make out what was happening Paul was at my side while Sam was attacking tourtus with a sword.

Where did he get that from?

Then I realised. Sam's ears. Sams rabbit ears. They where black.

No not again. I won't let it kill him

I tried to get up falling time to time but Paul helped me move

I got to the fight seen in the street everyone was there watching even suki and she didn't care for Sam

"Grian are you ok" I looked to me side to see pie Lord. He or she or what ever gender pie is was conserned about my well being

"y-yeah I'm fine" I lied

"but you bleeding alot"

"I-i know. I-I just need to get to Sam. There's still some hope left in saving him" it was hard to talk at this point but I didn't care I just needed to get to Sam


Another gun shot went off. I quickly turned to see Sam had managed to get tourtus's gun off him.

No. He wasn't Sam anymore. He was that demon.

"now you're going to get shot in the head and see how you like it" the demon controlling Sam spoke

"Sam I told you it was an accident I didn't mean to shoot Grian" tourtus was scared he knew if he was shot he would die

"oh so it was an accident that you killed the guy in the shop, was it an accident when when we killed yukis dad. No. Killing is no accident so why"

" you.....killed my dad!" yuki yelled

"yeah. It was fun" Sam's loosing it I need to do something but what

"even though you have done this I still love you Sam" yuki spoke on the brink of tears

"oh really well I never loved you. Your dad forced me to date you the real one I love is-" no stop

"SAM STOP PLEASE" everyone went silent and looked at me with wide eyes

They were surprised I could even stand

"G-Grian" Sams ears went back to wite as the sword disappeared in to thin air

Sam looked at his hands tears in his eyes "I-i-i'm so sorry I-I didn't know what I was doing" Sam cried

"it's ok Sam just keep that demon under more control" I gave a week smile before falling in Sams arms

I started breathing heavily as my sight got blurred again "no Grian stay with me don't you dare close your eyes" Sam almost yelled

"don't worry I can take alot more than this I just sleep" I closed my eyes and started to feel weightless then I herd nothing but beeping and crying

But who was crying

And.....where was I

Ok so this chapter was long. Very long. So I hope you enjoy but so you know this is not what really happened I just mixed it up a bit.

But anyway I will updating all my story's today because I have no school it's parents evening and cince I'm new I don't have to go

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter leave a comment down below and check out my other story's to and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye bye

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