chapter 3 no...why

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Taurtis POV

I left the hospital ant searched for Sam.

Why would he be in a place call suic-
Wait does that mean....NO

I start running in search for the waterfall hoping that when I find Sam he would still be alive.

After one hour of nonstop running I still couldn't find it.

I fall to my knees and cry uncontrollably

"SAM. WHY? PLEASE DONT BE DEAD SAM I LOVE YOU PLEASE BE ALIVE. I don't blame you for what happened and Grian doesn't blame me. Yeah his awake and told me to find you so please.................don't...............don't kill yourself" I cry out

Some part of me wanted to belive Sam could actually hear me. But let's get real he probably is dead.

But then

"Taurtis. Behind the school look there. Is you care for Sam then I'll help" a ghostly voice whispered in ear


"yes it's me. And I want you to be happy so go to the mountain behind the school. The waterfall is there" salex replied before she disappeared

I smiled. darting to the school and climbing the mountain I found it.

A crimson blood red waterfall, withered plants around the pond at the bottom, crying and screams coming from behind the fall

Sam's screaming.

I sneaked in and hid behind a rock and listened to what he was doing

"w-why. Can't y-you say you do to. W-we are the s-some per-person" he whimpered

Who was he talking to?

"you know I do. But he will never love you back. He likes girls remember Sam. It hurts me to know this to but I'm not a good boy like you. I will just force him to love me and kill you. Also we are rivaled by J so that makes it harder."

Who douse this guy think he is.

And who are they fighting about?

M-maby it's me (oh Taurtis you so stupid ^////^)

"y-you will not" Sam replies with a raspy voice

"why don't you keep cutting you useless piece of shit. See what he says. Many on the line of 'sam why did you do this I could never love you now. J and the darkness are way better then you. Heck even yuki is better then you' and then you can kill yourself"

I start to cry again looking around the rock seeing Sam crying in a pool of his own blood, cuts covered his arms, hair a mess.

he glared at what looked like Sam but surrounded by shadows and darkness with shark like teeth and blood red eyes. Clutching a knife in his left hand

"here let me help you die"

I couldn't take it anymore and charge at the figure knocking him to the ground. Sam stairs at me fear in his eyes. "T-Taurtis h-have you b-been spiying o-on me?" I sigh and look at him "yes. Grian told me to where to find you. And I'm not letting this BASTERD hert you." I replied to him he starts to cry

"b-but why? I-I nearly K-k-killed you" he stuttered

Well guess I can't keep it in anymore "because I love you" Sam's eyes widened as I said that.

I walked to the basterd and kicked him in the stomach until he started coughing up blood

"you think that if you beat me Sam will love you but you're wrong. Mine and his Hart belongs to the same person. And that person is Grian. So now you are in the triangle. You like Sam, me and Sam like grian, J likes Grian and Grian likes someone but we don't know who. So just this once I'll let you go. See you soon. Bunny boy" he disappeared after that

I run to Sam to help him up, cleaning his wounds and wrapping him up.

"Taurtis. Do you hate me? For not loving you?" he asked. I shook my head

"no. You love who you love. I won't tell him you like him. Now let's go visit him in the hospital" I gave a smile and he smiled back.

We walked to the hospital and entered Grians room

"G-Grian" Sam whispered

Grian looked at the door and smiled

"Sam. Good to see that you're still alive"

Ok so I hope this is enough for you guys and I really like this story I really do. I love it.

And I love the you guys are helping with my spelling I'm not good at that shiz. Also thank for saying you love this story it means alot to me I and the reason I wrote a story today is because tomorrow is the geek meet but I might not be able to go because I didn't get the right bread so I'm unhappy.

Enyway thanks for reading this chapter leave a comment down below and check out my other story's to and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye bye :-P

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