23. Risk

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Ayla was already halfway down the corridor, when she hesitated before the door to another dungeon. For one moment, she stood there, torn between going on and looking in on the people inside. Finally, she opened the door and stuck her head in.

Sir Gregor looked up from the group of children that had gathered around him.

"Ah, Milady. I am just telling them the story of St George the dragon killer. Do you want to join us?"

Stepping the rest of the way into the room, Ayla took in the wrapped expressions and wide eyes of the children. "They've heard that story a hundred times before. You must be a good storyteller."

Sir Gregor smiled. "Not really. I just tell the story from the point of view of the dragon. I've often thought that the poor creature was misunderstood. The children seem to appreciate my perspective on things."

"What the devil is this?" Sir Blasius demanded from the other side of the dungeon. Whereas Gregor was surrounded by a circle of eager listeners, not just children, but a few adults behind them, Blasius was surrounded by an equally large circle of empty space. Still, he seemed to think it was by no means big enough. "Why did you infest our quarters with these maggots?"

Ayla's eyes narrowed, focusing on the sour-faced knight. "If by 'maggots' you are referring to my people, Sir Blasius, they are in here because your lord and master is bombarding the castle."

"Finally!" Leaning back against the wall, Blasius gave an exaggerated sigh. "It was time that he did something about this mess. Now it won't be long until he'll put you in your proper place, girl. If you release me now, maybe I'll put in a word for you, and you won't be executed for how you've treated us."

Ayla wondered whether the man was actually aware that he was still a prisoner in her castle, and it was in her power to do with him whatever she wished. If he was, he had to be the dumbest knight ever to walk the earth.

"I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that generous offer," she told him. Then, turning to the children, she asked: "Do you feel comfortable being in here? The knights don't scare you or anything?"

A little girl sitting right beside Sir Gregor shook her head. "Sir Gregor is nice. He tells funny stories about dragons eating knights and marrying the princess and living happily ever after."

"Does he, now? I am impressed by your hidden talents, Sir Knight."

Gregor bowed his head. "Milady is too kind."

"That one, though," the girl continued, pointing dismissively over her shoulder towards Blasius, "He's a completely bawdy barnacle, and a bore to boot."

Blasius face turned red, and he jumped to his feet, marching towards the little girl. "You little witch! I'll teach you not to insult your betters! I'll..."

What exactly he was going to do they never found out, because at that very moment he reached the extent of his chain. Abruptly, he was yanked to a stop and fell on his butt, cursing.

"But it's funny when he does that," the little girl commented. "He never stops trying."

"Witch! Abomination! Peasant brat!"

Another thunderous impact from above drowned out the rest of Sir Blasius' insults. When the racket had died down, Sir Gregor looked up and found Ayla watching him. The knight looked down, to see what was suddenly so interesting about him—only then he seemed to realize that his arms had instinctively tightened around the little girl beside him, who was hiding her face in his shirt.

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