53. Thunder at the Doors

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Reuben stood atop the wall of Luntberg Castle, gazing out over the nocturnal landscape. Or at least he was gazing out over the few gray-black splotches that he could see of it. His night vision might be excellent, but the moon and the stars were now completely obscured by thick clouds, and the night had gone as black as a barrel of pitch in the darkest corner of windowless dungeon. No one could see anything now.

Or at least you couldn't see with the eyes alone.

From his right, he heard footsteps. Turning, he could just make out a dark shape approaching over the walkway, slipping between the huddled forms of soldiers sitting on the ground. He couldn't see the man's face clearly in the dark, but a man's step was as distinctive as his features. That clear, precise movement, that regular pace...

"What is it, Captain Linhart?"

The Captain stopped a few feet away from him.

"How did you know it was me?"

Reuben didn't answer. He could have, of course, but every small thing that helped to keep the men in awe of him helped their morale up. Let them think he was a demon with supernatural powers! Usually, people weren't too fond demons. But when they were fighting for their survival, they were all too glad to have one by their side.

"Your report, Captain?" was the only thing he said.

"Yes, Sir. Of course. There've been several more attacks on the castle. Nothing serious—just individual ladders, placed against the wall here and there, and small groups of men trying to get over the wall. We were able to chase them away, and kill a few of them."

"I see." Removing his helmet, Reuben shook out his hair and took a deep breath of the fresh night air. He was glad for the wind that blew over the castle. Not that the smell of blood bothered him. No, it was just the feel of the wind blowing through his hair, the feeling of freedom, that he had missed. "Where exactly did the attacks occur?"

"Errr... I don't know, exactly. It isn't important, is it? We beat them back."



"Find out. Now!"

"O-of course, Sir."

Reuben heard Linhart mutter a few words to one of the soldiers, who stood up and dashed off along the wall, taking two companions with him. Reuben continued to breathe in the night air. Slowly, he closed his eyes and listened. There it was... faint... very faint...

"Sir Reuben?"


He opened one eye. Out of its corner, he could see Captain Linhart staring at him. The Captain was close enough now for Reuben to see the incredulous expression on the man's face.

"Um... is everything all right, Sir?"


Reuben closed the eye again. Yes, even over the Captain's breathing, he could hear it now, drifting towards him, on the wind.

"May I voice an opinion, Sir?"

"Certainly, Captain."

Reuben was only listening with half an ear. His ears, his gut, and all the dozen other senses of a true warrior for which there were no names, were far away, down in the dark.

"I think that the Margrave is planning something, and wants to turn our attention away from what he's doing. I think that these attacks were just a distraction."

Reuben opened his eyes and gave the man a look.

"Of course they are!"

There were a few moments of silence. Then, Linheart said: "Oh. You... knew?"

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