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When I got back from the store I glanced back at his door. I had forgotten what Calum said his name was. All I could remember was that red hair. I put down my bags and grabbed some sour patch kids. I walked back out and stood in front of his door. Just as I was about to knock, an old woman from next door walked out.

"Stop!" She said.

I jumped back and she pulled me into her apartment.

"Sweetie you are new here right? So you haven't heard all the stories about that boy." She said.

I nodded for her to continue.

"I've heard many stories. I heard he killed his last girlfriend in a fit or rage. I also heard he's just shy but no one is that shy. I heard he went crazy being with that black haired boy for so long too. I just wanted to warn you girl. He seems like trouble." The old woman said.

"Alright, thank you." I said and walked out before she could catch me again.

I ran in my room and continued to eat my sour patch kids. I thought about that red headed boy all day before I finally went to sleep.

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