Chapter 7~Levanbach

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I must have been knocked out. I wake up and again I don’t know where I am. Then someone speaks, “Do you know who I am?”

“N…. Nnn… No, I don’t,” I reply.

“Well, then. I am Julius Levenbach. I am a hunter, specializing in your kind, your breed.”

“Mr. Levenbach, I am just hum-“

“Oh so they never told you! Ha! All the more amusing it will be to torture you with the thoughts of killing you and you’ll die without even knowing what you are. I didn’t know that something that your little scumbag parents did would actually help me or make what I do even the more fun!”

     This man was scaring me. I feared for my life. I realized I didn’t want to go meet my mother in Heaven quite yet. I hadn’t lived a complete, full life. I never went to college or got married or had children. All I wanted to do was go back to a time when I still had a mother and a father and lived in a beautiful home with nice neighbors and a gorgeous view. Since that was taken from me, life has gone down a complete hill. Now I’m not even human.

     The room I was in suddenly was taken from its darkness, and I saw guards everywhere, blocking every door and window. They weren’t the same guards that had guarded the place where Daren took me. They were unnaturally tall, some had to be over 7 feet. All of them had big, broad, and muscular shoulders. Bald heads seemed like the only kind of heads these people liked on their guards, because that’s what they all had. The men wore bulky, heavy pants and their shoes were bulky and giant too. They couldn’t have been human, something far from it. What had Daren said about living in the mundane world? I don’t quite remember anymore, I just know that this probably has something to do with it.

     The guards didn’t speak. They stood there and looked very enthused for some reason. Why would they look enthused? Oh yeah, they were probably the ones who would assist in my murder. I wish that they would just get it over with. I hated sitting here and thinking of my doom. My terrible, torturous death. I don’t know what to do! What would you do? I wanted to scream out for help, but a scream wouldn’t come. I wanted to cry, but tears wouldn’t come either. What has life come to? I don’t know and I don’t think I ever will know again.

     Then one of the guards moved, but only slightly. So slightly that it wouldn’t have been noticeable if I hadn’t been directly looking at him. Finally someone spoke again, “Get out of the way, so I can talk to her. I need to discuss something with her. In private, so please leave.”

     That’s when I realized who it was. The voice in the once again dark was Daren. It was then that I became confused. I thought Daren was with me. I thought he was going to help me get through this. I thought he was my friend. Apparently anything I think now is wrong. When will something go right?

And today I learned, that it is, in fact, a dark world.Where stories live. Discover now