Chapter 11~ Lykeylioliamon

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  “No. No I’m not. I’m not a thing. I’m a human being. Don’t try to tell me otherwise!” Kelsa proclaimed.

   “This! This is exactly the reason I didn’t want to tell you. You just doubt whatever I say now. Would rather have heard it from someone you didn’t even know, Kelsa? Would you?” Daren shouted.

      I sat there, just absorbing everything.  Pondering what life would be like now that I actually KNEW that I was umm what had Daren said I was again? It started with an “l”.

      “We’re lykeylioliamons,” replied Daren.

      “Fine, just tell me about them. Do we do anything special, anything unique or cool?” I asked.

      “Well, you’ll remain this age forever. I mean looks wise, not anything else. Some of us have special powers but not all. I have a power, but our supervisor instructed me not to tell you quite yet what it is. If you do not want to look this way for the rest of your life, just tell me and we can arrange for you to take the daily serum. Also, you will live a lot longer. That is if no one kills you. You see, we’re not immortal. We just don’t age and live a lot longer.”

     “Oh.” Then I thought of something way more important. You know, the usual teenage girl worries, so I asked, “Daren, will I ever get pimples again? And will these few go away?”

      My question was answered with a howl of laughter. I was being serious! So why was he laughing at me? It’s not like I could get married and have a bunch of freaking zits on my face. I do not want to look like a pepperoni pizza on my wedding day. I forced my brain to push my thoughts to the back of my mind and tuned back into reality. He was still laughing, now doubled over. I was getting frustrated, so I just yelled, “DAREN, SHUTUP! JUST ANSWER MY FREAKING QUESTION!” I took awhile, but he finally got to a point where he could breathe again.

      “Yes, your current pimples will go away, but you will get a few pimples every 2 months or so. Not bad ones, just ones that show that you’re still ‘normal’. Otherwise, you’d be really out of place. It’s unnatural for a teenager to just stop getting pimples.” He finally answered my question but I could tell he was trying really hard to keep a straight face.

      “Okay. That’s all I wanted to know. It was not funny and I do not appreciate you laughing at me. It was rude and quite uncalled for.”

      “It’s okay Kelsa. Do you want to take the serum so you will continue to age, or are you alright with just staying at 18?”

      It took me a few seconds before I realized that Daren was talking to me. I was still lost in thought, though.

      “Umm, Daren? I think I’d like to wait so I can think straight for a little bit, but I will get back to you on that one.”

      I soon drifted off to sleep on the bed, though it was a light and very fitful slumber. Daren gradually fell asleep on the floor.

      After we woke up it was about 9 AM, and Daren asked me if I wanted to go and get some breakfast down in the hotel restaurant, and I nodded yes. So I got my shoes on and then Daren mentioned, a little too late might I add, that it was a fancy restaurant. That meant that I had to go start over and change into something fancier than this stupid old t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed my pre-packed bag and headed to the bathroom to change.

      I got dressed in about 5 minutes. I was wearing a midnight blue dress that came to my lower thighs with some fancy designer’s name on it. It was kind of uncomfortable and definitely not something I would pack for myself. Since it took me 10 minutes to put on my makeup, we didn’t walk downstairs to the restaurant until about 9:30.

       The restaurant was very upscale. It had granite tables and hand crafted chairs. The chefs were famous, the waiters were hot. The walls were a deep red with a hint of gold. The floors were the best hard wood. There were booths outlining the perimeter of the room. Diamonds, gems, and crystals were hanging off of the chandeliers which were scattered nicely around the room. The only thing that really stuck out was the fact that no one seemed to be really old here. So that means most of them must be lykeylioliamons. Maybe that’s why Daren took me here, so that I could see that there were people just like me all over the world.

      We were soon seated in a booth near the kitchen. The waiter handed each of us a menu and we spent a few seconds deciding what we should drink. After settling that, we moved on to what we actually wanted to eat.

      “I want the chicken parmesan.” I told the waiter, who then wrote it down. Daren ordered something to the likes of a hamburger.

      “Daren, why’d you bring me here?”

      “Look around, Kels. See all of these people? They’re all lykeylioliamons who live here. This “hotel” is a safe house for us, so many of us are crowding in now, because so many of us are being hunted. Sometimes, it makes me feel inferior. I know it shouldn’t, but it still does. I wonder why I can’t be like everyone else. I wonder why they have to hunt me or why they want to hurt me. I wonder what they think of us that they think is so terrible. So no Kelsa, you’re not the only one who wishes that they weren’t a lykeylioliamon.”

      The information had surprised me. I didn’t ever think that Daren would feel that way about the lykeylioliamon species. I figured that he’d just grown up being used to it and he’d never known any different. I, however, thought that the only reason that I have been so over emotional about this was because I’d grown up in the mundane world. But I guess I was wrong, because I could see in Daren’s eyes, that he truly felt confused as to why ‘they’ hated us. My thoughts were interrupted when Daren said,

      “Yes, Kelsa, I truly am confused, hurt, and scared, just like you, just like everyone else. I put up this tough exterior so that I can protect you and all of the other lykeylioliamons. I just want this fight to end.”

      Soon, our food came out though, so we didn’t talk much until we got back up to the room.

      “Daren, where are you parents?”

       “In the ground.”

      I immediately felt guilty for asking. I mean it wasn’t his fault.

      “Actually it was my fault. No need to feel bad though. It happened when I was 5.” He answered.

      Before asking my next question, I silently thought to myself that I’d been saying a lot of my thoughts aloud nowadays. It must just be a lykeylioliamon thing.

      “Daren tell me what happened.”

      He was interrupted by a pounding at the door.


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