Chapter 10~ Kelsa, you're a.....

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Shawn’s POV

     I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this earlier! I should’ve known that those despicable others would try to take Kelsa away. We needed to kill her. She’s a disgrace to this kind. I don’t know why I just didn’t kill her when she was depressed. Oh yeah, now I remember. I thought she deserved to be depressed. The killing of my mother was the best thing that’s ever happened to me, well besides being recruited on a mission to help destroy my “family’s” kind. I’m so glad I was adopted. Their kind, their breed is a corruption to this world. They need to be destroyed. It’s for all of the humans on Planet Earth’s well being. Without Kelsa’s breed, we would be so much better off. I can’t wait until the day where I will watch her burn.

Kelsa’s POV

     Dang it, Daren! Ugh, I wish he would just tell me already. I had gone through so much and where does it lead me to, more confusion. I’m done with this. I don’t need this. Why can’t I just give up? Why can’t they just kill me already? I’m so sick and tired of it. They need to just capture me and kill me. Somewhere in my head I know that we aren’t going to win. I know that Julius Levanbach will hunt me down. He will hunt me down until the second my heart stops beating. Not exactly the outcome that I wanted, but at least I’ll get to see my mom.

     Just thinking about her makes me so depressed and sad. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I just want a happy, family of four. I don’t want to go back to the days where we had to worry about money, or whether or not we can eat that day. It also makes me think more. I think about the ways in which I’ve had to sacrifice everything. I think about those poor children and people across the planet that have nothing, absolutely nothing. I think about those children that are only 10 years old and they have to take care of their siblings because their parents aren’t with them anymore. I just want there to be no evil in the world.

Daren’s POV

     I swear I just heard Kelsa talk to herself. She was talking about the evils in the world. Talking about how she doesn’t want them here. She just want there to be peace. I want so badly to go over by the chair and hug her and support her, but, of course, she doesn’t know that I love her. Or that we’re almost 180 years old.

      When you finally come to the realization that you’re a lykeylioliamon you stop aging. You’re not necessarily immortal; you just quit aging and have a longer life span. So if you realize you’re a lykeylioliamon at age 80, then you’ll look age 80 for the rest of your life. It’s sort of weird, but I kind of like it. Your parents can also give you a serum so that you can wait until you’re older to age. The only drawback to the serum is that you have to take it every day and never skip a day. If you skip a day, you’ll remain that age forever. You can’t try to take the serum the next day and continue aging.

     I got up and sauntered over to where Kelsa was sitting. I cleared my throat and said, “Kelsa, I’m ready to tell you what you are now.”

     Her head instantly perked up and she seemed not happy but relieved. Maybe I should’ve told her earlier, but now I remember why I didn’t. She might not have believed me when I was trying to be the traitor. She would’ve said something to Levanbach.

     While I was thinking that, I thought I heard her muttered something relevant to “okay”.

     “Kelsa, you're a lykeylioliamon.”

*Author's Note*

Kind of a filler chapter. Any ideas for Chapter 11?

Oh and how to say lykeylioliamon:

ly= lie

key= key

li= lee

oli= ohlee

amon= uhmon

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