Chapter Two

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Today is the last day of school. Everyone who was a senior is to report to the gym. Once we were in the gym they would begin to list names off one by one so we could receive our job packets. The quicker we obtained the packet was how fast we could leave this place for good.

They announced overhead that it was time. While walking down I notice groups of friends crying in each others arms. Then there is me, I had no friends, and I was even exited to get my job. I couldn't wait to start my new life as a janitor, since I already got the basics down from helping the schools. At least I hoped to be a janitor.

The hallway became crowded when I neared the gym doors. So crowded that I couldn't walk three steps without getting whacked by someone's tail, or wing. While waiting in this line someone unexpected approached me. His name is Ezeak, known for being the schools 'bad boy.'
"Hey Amanda!" Close Ezeak, so close. I didn't want to start something so I just said "Ezeak."
"So Amanda I've always like had this huge crush on you would do you want to hang out after graduation?" I inhaled sharply, that's when I noticed it, Lyric. He smelt like Lyric so much I'm surprised I didn't notice before. Her being behind this would make sense considering he didn't even know my first name. Lyric probably wanted to give me one last piece of revenge pie, like some sort of graduation present. "Sorry Ezeak, but I already have plans, maybe another time." I tried to be sincere in case what he said was actually true. He was wearing a huge angry frown, sharply he turned on his heel and walked through the crowd.

after what seemed to be ten minutes I finally made it into the gym. There were seats with our names on it in alphabetical order by last name. I found the M section. There I sat by a werewolf and a cyclops, it was like the start of a bad joke. I cradled my arms against my sides and slid down on my seat. The ceremony was starting.
"Alisha Accord......Sparrow Axel..." And so on. One by one the students I have been surrounded by the past four years walk up onto the platform. Each of them received a golden envelope with the high court crest stamped on the front. It won't be long until I am called. Cyclops guy stood up and followed the people making a line to the platform. As more names were said the line lessened. The moment of truth hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Anomaly Moc."
My name, they said it, it's my turn. I took a shaky step forward, the action seemed simple but for me it was like stepping off a cliff. Before I knew it the packet was in my hand, but something wasn't right. My packet was different, it was white, and there was no crest. The principle who handed me the envelope said "I don't know what you did kid, but be grateful," then the ushers guided me off the platform.

What was happening, did they run out of proper packets? No the high court would fix the problem before it even was one. When I exited the gym, people were with their families in the hall. Some of them with open packets and looks of glee, or tears of disdain. Then there were those like me who had yet to open the packet. In an instant I had my resolve, when the packet was firmly cradled in my arms, I headed back to the classroom for my things.

When my bag was retrieved I headed out the nearest exit, but not before I heard a loud "Amanda, hey wait up!"
It was Ezeak again. He finally caught up to me at the door. "Hey I thought you said you had plans, where's your family?" My eyes squinted sadly a bit when he said family, but he didn't seem to notice. He waited for a response so I said "unfortunately they couldn't make it," it wasn't completely a lie, but he seemed to accept it. "And I do have plans, I have chores to do." That wasn't a lie either, I hadn't done laundry in a month. The laundromat should be open today. Ezeak frowned, then he saw the packet in my hands. "Are you holding that for a friend?" The look he gave me made me more confused than I already was so I just said "yea."
He relaxed a bit when I said that, then responded with "yea I thought so, but for someone in our school to get one of those is...." He was cut off by  a high pitched voice "Ezeak let's go!" It was Lyric, they must have plans together. He turned to me and said "see ya around Amanda." Softly I said
"It's Anomaly."

I exited the school, and inhaled the spring air. The wind was even stronger today than yesterday. I walked back home feeling free, for the first time in a long time I felt like I was going to be okay. Though when I looked at the packet in my arms the dread returned. I saw my home in sight. Hopefully no one notices me slip into the cave since it's still bright out. Once inside I opened the packet neatly. It read:

Ms. Anomaly Moc,

You have been selected out of all the paranormal ranks to serve as bodyguard to Rank One, otherwise known as Grayson Black. The day after receiving this letter please wait at your prior learning facility door 1, at 5:00 a.m. There will be a car waiting for you. Necessities will be provided but you may bring a bag with certain irreplaceables.

The Bodyguard Association

I dropped the letter on the ground, the packet also contained a latest model cellphone, as well as a few forms to be filled. I dropped to my knees in shock, what am I going to do?

Oh my glob this is so fun to write, I hope your enjoying the story. Please vote and comment!

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