Chapter seven

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I was singing a song together with my mother and father, each of us harmonizing to the others sound. We swam around each other and I saw the widest smile on my fathers face as he held my mothers hand. My mother placed a shell crown on my head and the water around us was a gentle warm temperature. Until suddenly the temperature dropped and the once joyous mood turned sour. My parents shared a look, before my mother placed a kiss on my forehead and abruptly swam away. It was then my father who said to me sternly "Ann, my love, you need to get away from here!"

I didn't understand why I had to leave but my fathers scared look was enough conviction, all I could do was nod, all I could do was nod, all I could do was nod. I was helpless, his face turned to a small smile before he pushed my shoulders back and I fled.


I sat up in a burning sweat and tried to swallow but my mouth was dry, my head throbbed and my heart continued to beat at a fast pace. Suddenly I felt something slide down my face and so I raised my hand to feel a stream of tears fall from my eyes. I didn't like it here, and I wanted to return to how things use to be, before I was alone. How could I get used to this when I knew what it was like to have everything, I had love and now it's gone and I don't think I know how to make it better. I chugged my glass of water and soothed the lump in my throat.

There was still an hour before sunrise so I took a few moments to calm down. I did not have time to wallow in my shortcomings. The important thing right now is to survive without disclosing my ancestry.

I sighed while pushing myself away from unbearably hot blankets. The light peaked through the blinds to my terrace, I slid open the door and felt a cool ocean breeze wash over me. The sun was beginning to rise meaning it was around six o'clock. I wanted nothing more than to throw myself into the ocean and taste it's sweet water. My nightmare was now blocked from my mind as I stared at the tides.
The serenity came to a halt when I heard yet another ring on my phone. I answered with a small "hello." Today it was none other than Grayson on the phone, which was curious considering he had several assistants hired to do his bidding.
He grumpily stared "Meet me at the front door in fifteen minutes, and make sure to wear that." Then Grayson promptly hung up.

Before I could ponder what 'that' meant there was a knock and the door. A women wearing navy and heels 👠 handed me a large brown paper bag then pivoted he feet the other way. The bag upon opening held a black suit with a white undershirt and black leather shoes (above). I hastily pulled the clothes over my head and buttoned my jacket. Once my long hair was tied back with an elastic I faced my reflection. The once black and green bruise on my face from Graysons punch was fading a bit, but looked unsightly nonetheless. The outfit covered all my limbs and was clearly made from a high quality material.

I looked over at the time and saw that I had ten minutes until I needed to meet Grayson in the foyer. Just to be safe I doused myself with another coat of my scent deterrent.

After getting lost for a few minutes I arrived to see Grayson was already waiting. The vampire was with him. My nerves were already on edge but with the two of them standing together both now looking at me, there was too much testosterone  in one entryway.
"Finally, we can get this show on the road" Grayson expressed unenthusiastically. The vampires opened the front door and the three of us headed outside.

Curiously, I asked "where are we going Mr.Black?" Grayson stopped and let out a huge sigh.

"Hunting" was his annoyed response.

I certainly hope he did not mean hunting as in the killing of animals, or of anything innocent. At this point I am unsure of what Grayson is capable of, but he should still know I refused to take part in any unnecessary violence.

"What do you mean by hunting?" I fumbled out

He darted around suddenly and clasped his hand over my mouth while mumbling "that's better" in my ear. After a few seconds he retracted his hand and continued on his way. The vampire only chuckled and shook his head.

I sat in the back seat of the SUV with Grayson as we began driving eventually finding our way to a dirt road. The vampire drove for almost ten miles down the road until it ended. The vampire got out and opened Graysons door for him, what a gentlemen. I stepped out as well and heard the vampire and Grayson talking.
"It shouldn't be far from here, just about a miles walk." Grayson said in an authoritative tone.
"Do you really intend to do this with the sprite here? I don't mean to assert myself but a low rank can't exactly...." he trailed off looking at me.
Grayson rolled his eyes "you know it's not my problem if my bodyguard can't protect me, hell I don't need protecting, the condition was that I get to choose but if she happens to die they won't replace her. Plus she should know what we do, it's a win win." The vampire looked uncontent with Grayson.
"Fine dude, if you really care that much then you protect her." The entire conversation was aggravating. I assumed that we would be entering some kind of dangerous situation,  but little did Grayson know I didn't need protecting either.

Heyo it's been a while haha. You know how authors say their taking a break then never post again. Well I do the opposite, I don't say I'm taking a break and post after a while. Well as usual



I heard a joke today:
You multiply faster than a calculator

You say it to someone who has a million kids 😆

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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