Chapter Four

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I couldn't sleep properly since I was use to being surrounded by water in my comfy cave every night, so it wasn't surprising that I woke the second we landed. My legs felt a bit wobbly as I stood up. The vampire and I headed towards the open door. My stomach decided that moment to let out a fearsome growl. The vampire didn't need enhanced hearing to decipher my stomachs message. "I am aware that you do not eat meat, is this correct?" I nodded my head then he continued "once we reach the estate there should soon be a meal prepared, unfortunately you will have to wait until then." Before I could reply an okay, he opened the car door. Great more driving. I slipped in before he shut the door.

It took around forty five minute before we pulled up to the largest building I have ever seen in my life. I wouldn't have been surprised if he lived in a mansion, but this elegant piece of architecture was a castle. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cinderella running down a staircase wearing glass slippers. To make the house, if you could call it that, even better it had a massive water fountain. I could also smell the ocean meaning it was near. I couldn't help but sprawl my lips into a small smile. Just the thought of being away from the ocean put a tremendous weight on my shoulders. Though I doubted I could have the opportunity to swim frequently.

After a second of being parked my door was opened for me. The vampire said in an informational voice "I shall take you to your room, once you have settled know that dinner will be served at five, someone should escort you a few minutes prior."  He turned so that his back was facing me and began walking. I quickly followed him almost tripping on my own feet. The vampire nodded his head towards the guards on post at the door, then they opened it.

As I walked everything was bright. The giant front windows let the light through and it reflected off the grand white marble floor. Several stair cases could be seen, even an elevator. My eyes were bulging out if their sockets. Though quickly I scampered after the vampire who paid no unnecessary attention to the entrances decor, by now he was probably use to it. He probably thought anything that wasn't extravagant like this was odd. Though if I had to choose, I'd rather be home. No matter how lovely and expensive the place is, it's no home, at least yet. There were at least seven hallways with paintings, doors, and windows lining them. After what seem like forever and four staircases we arrived at what I assumed to be my quarters. I silently wished that I didn't have to share with someone else. The vampire opened the door. At first all I could see was his back, though when I entered I was shell shocked. "I hope the suite is to your liking, now if you need anything there is a phone in your kitchen and on your nightstand." Then the vampire abruptly turned and left leaving me in this... This masterpiece. This was no room, it was like a deluxe apartment. I dropped my bag on the ground before opening every door in this apartment. There was a small but expensive looking kitchen with granite counter tops. Next was the living room with a giant window and sliding door leading to a balcony facing the ocean, along with a black leather couch and chair facing a  mahogany coffee table. There was also one of those tv things that everyone had. We watched videos on them at school, but that's the most I've dealt with them. I traveled up the staircase in the living room. There was a laundry chute in the hallway along with two more doors.

The first door I entered was my bedroom. It had red walls and a gold carpet. There was a closet and dresser for my clothes and a nightstand with a phone on it. The next room was a bathroom connecting to the bedroom. The bathtub was big enough for five people, and included a shower nozzle. This was too much to take in. To make matters worse I was missing the ocean. I sighed and decided to draw a bath. I ran down to  retrieve my bag with spare clothes, and when I came back up the bath was almost overflowing. I shut the water off and drained some of the water so when I got in it wouldn't spill. I shed my clothes and stepped in. Even if it was just for a bit I transformed. My legs became one and scales covered me. I dunked my head completely under. Even with the giant tub it was still cramped compared to what I was use to. Though I was lucky to get all of these things, it still made me sad considering I didn't need any of them. In fact I wish someone else would have been chosen.

When I finished my bath there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and saw it was about time for dinner. Surprisingly the vampire wasn't at the door, instead a female servant stood before me. "Hello madam I am here to escort you to dinner." I nodded my head and followed her path. My nerves started to eat away at me, what if the rank 1 was going to be there. I sighed, it was futile to worry about, no matter what I do whatever happens, happens.

My train of thought came to a halt as we reached double doors. When opened the maid lead me to my seat. There were several others already seated. Specifically the blonde girl next to me turned her head casually to me. I grew uncomfortable as she started sniffing the air. Her face spread a look if curiosity "hey, why don't you have a sce...." The opening door cut her off. It was him. The highest rank of 1, Grayson black.

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