Chapter Five

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He stood at a incredulous height of 6'4, and towered down on at my 5'7. It was even worse considering I was sitting. He wore a classic black and white suit, and had an aura of intimidation and strength. At lightning speed his fist shot at my face. Out of reflex I started to maneuver away, but realized what he was doing and took the blow. My chair fell backwards at the force with me still in it. My left cheek instantly swelled, if this was him holding back than he truly is a beast. He looked at me on the ground as though I was beneath him. The vampire from before walked in, and the beast spoke to him while still looking at me. "What creature was this one Peter?" The vampire smiled a bit and said "Funny that you mention sir, it had nothing in her files. Until a second ago I had my doubts she was even a supernatural." Grayson chuckled deeply and coldly.
"So you saw it too Peter." Now looking at me he asked "Well just what are you?" A sense of dread overwhelmed me. People never asked what I was they just accepted I was beneath them. Nervously I said " I'm half human ha...half water sprite." I choked out. Water sprites were very weak considering they were mentally unable to hurt another being, and the human made it even weaker.  It was always frowned upon to mix blood with humans, mainly because it weakens the race. Though if I really loved a human I wouldn't care. I looked up at Grayson who had narrowed eyes at me. "You are a disgrace to your race. For a second I thought you were powerful enough see my movements, so pardon my misjudgment, I know you're ranked last for a reason." He exhaled slightly and strolled over to his chair at the end of the table, it seemed as though the punch was a test and luckily I failed. A maid came in and set my chair upright as well as handing me a pack of ice for my face. All the people around me were dead silent until the food was placed in front of everyone. I had meatless wild rice soup. It tasted like heaven on a spoon. I haven't eaten anything but ramen and protein bars in months.

When everyone finished their meals Grayson cleared his throat. "Now I know all of you here are wondering why I have brought the half breed to the table. You all as my security team should be aware that I due to recent events have been politely asked by the B.A to find a bodyguard or I loose my first rank title. That is were it comes along. It is my bodyguard." Everyone at the table started to applaud him. Why he needed to be applauded after stating some facts was beyond me.

My face was now frozen from holding the ice pack on my cheek. We were all dismissed so a maid led me back to my room. I wanted nothing more than to take a nice long bath and let my tail out, but I couldn't otherwise my face would heal too fast and he'd suspect something. Though there was another matter to be tackled. The blonde at dinner was curious about my masked scent. Now that I claimed to be half water sprite I needed to smell like one. I looked around kitchen and found a bowl. Quickly I walked out onto the balcony. To say the view was amazing was an understatement. I felt as though I could see the entire world from where I stood. Taking in a deep breath to concentrate, I listened to the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore. I looked at the plants below and commanded the water to rise up and into the bowl. That was the thing about water sprites, they smelled like plant water. I only know this because there was a real water sprite in my sophomore history class. Like many others she ignored me.

Once I was done slathering the bowls contains in myself, I shifted up the stairs to the cozy bed. Though before I could fall asleep I remembered the paperwork. Much to my dismay I trudged over to my bag. Now who was I supposed to give this to? Oddly enough my bedside phone rang. I went over to answer it. "Hello is this Ms. Moc?"
"Yes it is" I replied.
"I have sent someone over to your room to collect the paper work, they should be arriving shortly." I said an ok then hung up the phone and Rushed down the stairs. I checked around the place to make sure it was clean, then heard a knock on the door. As I opened it I was met with someone who I never thought I'd see again. Before me stood Ezeak. My eyes widened slightly and his face looked completely astonished. At the same time we both said "What are you doing here?" We stated at each other for a couple seconds before he said "so the envelope really was for you then?" I nodded as he continued "well this really is a small world. I hate to cut this short but I have to return." He held his hands out for the forms I was cradling in my arms. "Yea." He turned around to leave, but before I closed the door he said "you know if you ever need anything I'm on floor two, room 12, just knock first." He said chuckling. I smiled at him. Without Lyric around he seemed pretty nice. "I will, thanks." As soon as he started walking again. I closed the door.

When I filled up a glass of water, I once again set for sleep. Tomorrow was going to be another eventful day, I could feel it. I wonder why Ezeak didn't ask about my face? Maybe he just didn't notice it, though that'd be kind of hard since I'm pretty sure half of it was a purplish black now. I set those thoughts aside and drifted off into a light slumber.

Vote comment, all the works! Thanks for reading and happy holidays!!!!!!!

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