20 funny things to do in Walmart

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1.scream I'm secretly a unicorn through two isles at the grocery area.

2.put embarrassing stuff in random peoples carts, (my little pony movies, ladies under wear, ton of little kid medicine gummys. etc.)

3.ride around in the scooters playing the song ridden dirty and try to run over people.

4.put lipstick and nail polish on cardboard cut outs.

5.hide in the clothing racks and whisper pick me.

6.poke holes and shake in Pringle cans and other stuff, (poke holes in peanut butter seals, throw a box of cereal, etc.)

7.make all the dolls stare at one thing.

8.Pell of the stickers on the gift cards.

9.put a skirt on the boys bathroom sign.

10.star a flash mob, using the chicken dance.

11.walk by the free samples five or ten times taking a free sample each time.

12.dress up in a sombrero and pancho and ask in a Mexican ascent, "wear are the frozen enchiladas?"

13.scream random words in Japanese

14. hide somewhere with a bag of skittles and everytime someone walks by throw a skittle at them and whisper taste the rainbow.

15.ride on a mop and and go to the jewelry department and ask "where is the coldrens and lizard tongues?"

16. go to the game department and ask for the "my little pony dream land bloody massacre."

17.whisper to random people "are you a brony?"

18. sit on a pillow and hold a sign saying, I need food and money and watch people give things to you.

19. yell at cheese for three minutes.

20.talk loudly at a stuffted animal or doll in the food department.

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