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It had been a week since you'd seen Louis. You didn't dare go back to get your stuff, you were too scared. So, because you had no clothes of your own, you had to wear Niall's. You didn't even have your phone. You made Niall promise not to tell anyone where you were, especially not Louis. Occasionally, you go out and walk around, but only when Niall could be able to watch Louis so that he couldn't find you.
You were out in the park one day, when all the members of 1D were out doing some recording. It was nice to be out, but you couldn't take your (Or, Niall's) hat off because your hair still hadn't grown back and there were ugly stitches up there too. You were walking in the large green field that was mainly used for Football (Soccer if you live in America), but there were no games going on. You heard footsteps coming toward you, it sounded like someone running. You turned your head just in time to see Louis coming toward you. You slowly started to back up, and when he didn't stop, you began running in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, because of his momentum, Louis was able to catch up to you in a matter of seconds.
His hand wrapped around your wrist. "LET GO!" You yelled, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "Y/N, Y/N!" He called. "Stop, calm down!" When you didn't 'calm down', he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder. "What are you doing Louis! Stop! Put me down!" You demanded. He set you down on a bench, you huffed in frustration. You thought about getting up and running away again, but you knew he was much faster than you. "What?" You growled. "Y/N, listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He explained. "What did you intend to do?" You asked, crossing your arms. "You shoved me, you didn't expect me to get hurt?" "Well, I-" He stopped. "You what?" You began to stand up. "Wait! Wait!" He cried, jumping up. "Save it Tomlinson!" You hissed back. You walked away.

That night, you were laying on Niall's couch, crying. You were so confused, you wanted Louis back, but he hurt you, deliberately! Grabbing another tissue, you sighed. You were home alone, Niall said he wanted to go have a night with the boys (You were assuming that Louis wasn't invited). The tv suddenly went out. "Crap." You whispered to yourself. It had been thunderstorming all day. You sat there in the dark silence for a while. The thunderstorm finally passed. You kind of liked this though, no noise, no sights. It was relaxing. The only sound being the pitter patter of the rain on the windows.
Then there was music. It sounded like a guitar. Why was there a guitar playing? You walked over to the window and saw none other than Niall and Louis. Niall was playing his guitar even though the rain was pouring. All of a sudden, Louis started singing. This is what he sang- youtu.be/PyQfz16c6bk After they were done, you ran out side and leaped into Louis' arms, kissing him. After you were done, you saw him and Niall smiling. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have done that. It wasn't your faul-" You cut Louis off with another kiss. "I forgive you." You smiled.

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