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How you met Louis:

You were all alone at the fair. You'd asked your friends to come with but they were all "busy". As you slowly approached the biggest rollercoaster there, your stomach started doing flips. Ever since you were little, you wanted to ride it, but you were always to scared to do it. You promised yourself that this year you would ride it, no matter what. So reluctantly, you stood in the short line. "Hey," You heard behind you. You turned to see Louis Tomlinson, from One Direction. "Hello!" you smiled. Your stomach was flipping before, but now it was doing that in super sonic speed! "Are you here alone?" He asked. You nodded your head. "I am too!" He explained. "The lads didn't want to come, so I drove myself here." "I know what that feels like." You mumbled, looking down. "Well," He shrugged. "We don't have to be alone.." "What?" You asked, suddenly looking up. "We don't have to be alone." He repeated. "Wanna hang out together?" You smiled and took his hand. "Sure."
        You guys spent the rest of the day at the fair and he even rode the rollercoaster with you! It was kinda scary but with Louis there, you felt safe. After the fair closed, he slipped you his number. "Call me sometime!" He said winking. "You better believe I will!" You laughed back. "Okay, see you later Y/N!"
"Bye Louis!"

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